
Thursday 1 February 2024

Snoozing again....and l got in garden, yay

 I see the spammers are out in force again, the past couple of days I've had to delete no end of comments advertising foreign websites - they now have a (no doubt) false name and profile pic rather than being anonymous, in the hope their comment will get published, I guess.  Hard luck!

On the subject of unwanted stuff, since Monday we've had another 5 letters for the previous, deceased, tenant - she gets a lot more post than we do!  We continue to give it back to the postman, who just shrugs ruefully and says that unfortunately he has to deliver it - how ridiculous, when he knows she's no longer living here (or living, come to that).

Husband has, yet again, fallen back into dozing in front of the TV all day.  When I wake him up he always claims he wasn't asleep.....the photos and videos I've taken of him snoring with his mouth wide open (just to show him!) say otherwise.  Beats me how anyone can just snooze their life away and literally do nothing all day - despite his ailments, he's not incapable or even disabled as such, there's plenty he can do if he takes things easy and stops for little breaks as appropriate.  I can always find things to do, and for him to do - but unless I actually give him a job he doesn't do anything.

As an example - yesterday I sorted out and put on a wash load, putting it out on the line and airer when finished.  Prepped and cooked the blackening spuds - half of them roasted in the air fryer, the other half a panful of mash, enough to top a cottage pie and fish pie, 4 portions each (I'll be making the cottage pie today, the fish pie tomorrow).  Prepped and cooked dinner - marinated chicken thighs for husband, the leftover lentil & nut loaf for me - with assorted vegetables.  Got the washing in, most of it was dry so folded that and put it away, put the still a bit damp stuff in the airing cupboard.  Did some banking and sent a couple of home-related emails.  Spent 40 mins or so outside (yay!), weeding the front path and pruning a couple of shrubs in the back was too cold for me to stay out there any longer, despite the weak sunshine.  Husband joined me for a few mins to cut down the horrible untidy yucca thing, which he did easily...other than that he took the dog out twice - for 10 mins each time - and spent the rest of the day in his armchair. 

I'm pleased I was able to get out in the well as making a start on the shrub pruning (all the shrubs and roses need a good prune, they've clearly had no attention for a long while), I could show husband where I want trellis put up in due course.  One corner of the garden is overlooked from the road and passers by, so trellis with a couple of climbing plants should take care of that.  There's a patio in that corner, so I want a garden table and chairs there at some point - I'll keep a look out on the local FB pages to see if anyone's selling them, or might be able to get them from a boot sale when they start up.


  1. That was such a productive day - well done.
    The garden sounds very promising. xx

  2. Since Steve has fallen out with yet another neighbour, he no longer goes to the summer house. He does catch the bus into town a couple of times a week to go to the pub. I have suggested that he joins me when I walk Beano, he'll do this once every four or five weeks but not regularly. He is convinced he walks Beano every day and has however started to plan a circular 5 mile walk and is going into town to buy himself some proper walking shoes. I doubt he'll wear them more than once it that!

  3. I find a few moments in the garden on bright days, soon mount up to loads of work done.

  4. My husband has a habit of saying "We must do..." I know it invariably means I do it! You've made a start on the garden and can visualise what its going to be like. Just need the weather to warm up a bit ( well quite a lot in my case)! xx

  5. Such a busy day, all you were able to dry your washing outside, we had that air rain, if you know what I mean, not real rain but wet1


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