
Thursday 8 February 2024

Good things!

 Husband was in and out in minutes for his blood test yesterday, we then went into town to browse round the charity shops.  Didn't see anything I liked enough to buy.  It was very cold - not much wind but with spits of rain in the air and very grey, we didn't hang about as I was just too cold.  I feel the cold a lot nowadays and really don't like it, it makes me feel ill almost.  

Husband has come up trumps with getting the necessary wood for our raised vegetable bed.  On his walks with the dog, he'd passed a house that was having part of a fence - a fairly new one at that, using good thick planks - taken down and replaced with a stone wall.  He asked the house owner if they wanted the fence wood - they said they were just going to chop it up and burn it in their woodburner.  So husband suggested buying them a bag of logs in exchange for some of the fence planks - they were happy with that idea, so that's what he's done.  The fence planks have already been treated with preservative (a good reason not to burn it in a woodburner, I would have thought) so we won't have to do it, saving us a job (and money to buy the preservative).  The guys doing the work are going to drop the wood round to us when they've finished.  So husband's been a good lad for once!  Now he's just got to build the raised bed....I don't expect him to do it until the weather gets warmer though.

I'm having a kitchen day today, going to make a big panful of cauli mac and cheese, some to have tonight and the rest for freezing for another couple of meals.  I'm also going to make cheese scones, a double batch - lunch today with a cuppa soup and the rest frozen.  Then I plan on making a cheese and onion (well, shallot) soda bread, first time of trying in the air fryer, although I've made it often in the oven.  It should be ok, the air fryer certainly bakes the scones well.  I want to roast some carrots too, since I have loads of them at the moment.

Husband says he doesn't feel very well today, thinks he's got a cold coming on, although it hasn't stopped him making himself a big bowl of porridge followed by a slice of toast for his breakfast just now.  Whatever it is clearly hasn't affected his appetite.....if he stopped eating then I'd know he really was unwell.  I've told him to take it easy today 😉 and even go back to bed if he feels that unwell, he said he might.  Fine by me, I've got plenty to do and it'll be good to get on with it in peace, with just the radio (I have Greatest Hits on with the lovely Ken Bruce) for company.

Since we've been living here I've been sleeping so much better, except for the odd night here and there when I've got things on my mind.  I've not been waking up until around 07.00 am, which is really late for me.  With hindsight, I've been realising that I wasn't at all happy with our lives the last couple of years back in the old place, I feel so much more positive, less stressed (on the whole) and happier here.  I think when the warmer weather comes and I'm able to get out in the garden more, and go for more walks, our new life will be wonderful.  To add to that, my sister has said that she and her best friend want to come for a week's holiday in early summer.  They came for 5 days last year, staying with us for 3 days and then a couple of nights in the hotel next to the caravan park, whilst we stayed in the caravan, obviously.  There are a few holiday cottages right here in the village, in fact we know of a couple literally just round the corner from us, so they've said they want to hire one of those for the week, which will be brilliant.  

Yellow warnings for heavy rain today and tomorrow, so we'll be staying in apart from short dog walks.  The weekend forecast looks much better though, so I might be able to get out in the garden.


  1. This time of year is all about promise of everything to come, nice weather, blooms and veg in garden, and knowing your sister will visit.

  2. I'm so pleased that you're feeling much more positive in your new home. It was a good move! Well done your husband for his quick thinking. The fencing will be ideal for making raised beds. Just need the sunshine now!
    Cold, wet and sleety here today, but no snow - yet! xx

  3. That was a find and a half, that fencing - well done to Him!
    I'm sorry he is feeling rough and I know what you mean about the cold making one feel 'off colour'. Not nice.
    Loving your kitchen plans - it should all keep the kitchen nice and cosy and I'll be interested in how the air fryer does the soda bread.

  4. Well done to your hubby in getting the promise of that wood (and delivery) for your raised beds. It sounds like he was in the right place at the right time and made a good offer of logs in exchange for the fencing wood. I wouldn't like the idea of burning wood that had preservative on it either, not good for your lungs or the log burner.

  5. What do you plan to sow in the raised beds. I have loads of seeds if you'd like some.

  6. Sounds as though the move has been really good for you.

  7. I am happy you are sleeping so much better and that the new place is suiting you more. Nope one should not burn wood with a preservative on it as the fumes could/are very toxic depending on the type of preservative being used.

    God bless.


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