
Sunday 4 February 2024

Too much stodge

 My guts are really playing up again.  They always do when I'm suffering with stress or anxiety, which I am right now, but it's also because of what I've been eating lately.  Although I do like salads (something I would never have dreamt of saying years ago, when barely a vegetable other than peas or spuds crossed my lips), I don't really want to eat them in winter.  During the winter, I just want to eat stews with dumplings, mashed potatoes with anything, pasta bakes, sandwiches and a cuppa soup or something on toast for lunches.  All mainly carbs in other words, and that's what gives me gut ache, as well as making me feel sluggish and my joints ache.  I know that as soon as the weather gets significantly warmer and sunnier, I'll be wanting to have salads and lots of fresh green veggies again.  In the meantime, I'll just have to try and restrict the carbs.

Husband was out in the back garden with Betty early this morning, he got chatting for the first time to the neighbour who owns the property behind us, their house is across the road but they have a garden with a small barn in it, just the other side of our back fence.  This garden is used by them purely as a car park, it's not really a garden, no plants in it, just some muddy grass....I think they have a proper garden behind their house.  They have planning permission for the barn, to convert it into a holiday let, although apparently it's not imminent, the guy seemed to be saying to husband that building costs are too high right now.  I've decided I want trellis of some sort along that fence, to give us a bit more privacy - the fence is waist high but there are several trees, ivy and shrubs along the neighbour's side of the fence, which do give a bit of privacy.  The neighbour apparently told husband that they may decide to cut down some of the trees and possibly put up a fence - the existing fence actually belongs to our property, not his, and is a bit dilapidated in places, although the ivy and shrubs are supporting it.  As I said, nothing is imminent though, so in the meantime I do want to get trellis up and some climbing plants put in.  We've been told by the housing officer that our Housing Association landlords are unlikely to put up a new fence for us, unless the existing one completely collapsed, which it's not really in danger of doing just yet. 

Weak sunshine this morning and not really cold, although the forecast is overcast with spots of rain and gusty winds, not only today but for much of the week ahead.  Not really a week for gardening then, I suppose I could get on with unpacking the remaining boxes.


  1. I like your plans for the garden. It will look lovely in a few years.

    I hope your insides feel much better again soon. I hate that stuffish, can't-be-bothered feeling that comes with too much carb stuff and the ache must be nasty for you. Sending love. xx

  2. Although I love salads this time of year is not really the time for them is it. I tend to go down the coleslaw route, making a big batch of sliced cabbage, carrot and onion and then varying it up a bit each day. One day with mayo and walnuts, the next with added apple and radish. I also love adding some hummus instead of mayo some days.

    Your garden plans sound good, hope it all works out.

  3. Since we've been on this low carb diet (almost a year now) I'm used to salads all the time. I do now have some carbs, but try to limit them. I do like a scone with my coffee when we're out, though! xx

  4. I have to limit my carb intake so when I don't fancy a salad, I do a vegetable stir fry. I particularly like the Oriental mix of stirfry veg, adding different sauces according to my taste. Sometimes I stirfry some chicken pieces then the veg for a satisfying dinner, never adding noodles or rice.

  5. Hope your tum settles, horrible feeling isn't it?

  6. I am planning to do something similar in our back garden (we say yard here across the pond). I need something to cut the sightline to our firepit area as the rather large townhouses across the alley can see right to there which does not give us much privacy at all.

    Hope you start feeling better soon.

    God bless.

  7. If your neighbour does create that holiday let please let me know. We are looking at having lot's of mini breaks in order to explore the whole of the UK. We've got so many nice places to explore in this country that I have no desire to go abroad.


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