
Friday 16 February 2024

He behaved

 I had words with husband yesterday and told him what he said was not acceptable.  He said he knew I was upset, but yet he still hadn't apologised.  He also said it would have been better if he hadn't used the swear word (the F word) when he made the comment.....erm no, it was still an insulting comment regardless of whether or not he'd included the swear word!!  No understanding at all.  Despite him apologising - eventually - I know it'll happen again, he's got no filter along with a faulty memory, and does love showing off and being the centre of attention.  But in future I will just tell him, in front of guests, that it's not acceptable and then walk out of the room, leaving him to deal with the embarrassment and fallout.  I'm learning to stand up for myself a lot more nowadays, after years of staying in the background and keeping my mouth shut.

We had more friends come this morning, another couple who are ex-neighbours from the old place - husband promised to be on his best behaviour, and he was.  We get on very well with them, they're very keen gardeners, both veg and flowers, so we were able to bounce ideas for the garden off them.  And it was sunny and mild earlier (the sun's gone in now), hooray, so no problem about being in the garden.  We had a nice time with them.

I've got some banking and admin stuff to do this weekend, budgeting for the next few months (no Council Tax until April now, so that'll help with the savings).  I need to make a list of things to take when we go back to the caravan for the first time next month - I bring all the bedlinen and towels home with us, and all the toiletries and canned foods.  The linens etc are all washed and ready to go back, I'll buy new toiletries and some canned goods to take there.  We'll just be going for the odd day initially, we won't start staying until the weather gets warmer and dryer.


  1. Good for you standing up for yourself, and your plan to tell him it's unacceptable then leave the room is a good one. Hopefully, he'll eventually get the message and stop, or at least immediately apologise.
    I can't believe it's nearly caravan time for you. Let's hope the weather starts playing nicely soon! xx

  2. That is a good plan! I just watched a reel of a woman saying "Just because I can explain your behavior (upbringing, mental illness, whatever it may be) doesn't mean I have to tolerate it" Really hit home to me - and probably most women

  3. Good for you, and I am glad he behaved while the friends were there this time. Sounds as if you had a great time visiting.

    God bless.


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