
Wednesday 13 May 2020

Just my luck

Sod's law that I have a really bad night the night before we're going on our first beach walk since before lockdown 😒

What with husband being really fidgety and sniffing all the time (his hayfever is kicking in now that mine is coming to an end), and my back and hips deciding to be extremely painful, I didn't get a lot of sleep.  Well, we're still going, although I might not be doing much walking....the beach is a mixture of soft sand and big stones, not exactly comfortable for walking, not that I mind usually, I just have to be careful.  There are plenty of groynes though (thick wooden fence posts to help with beach erosion) so I can just sit on one and watch dog and husband and look out to sea.  It's just as well we're allowed to sit now!

We're combining several things today....after the beach we're driving on a bit further to Minehead, not to go into the town though (I expect most of the shops etc are closed anyway, not that we've been since lockdown).  There are 3 supermarkets there just outside the town, so I'll be going in whichever one has the smallest queue and least people.  Husband meanwhile will go to the garden centre there and pick up his click and collect veg plant order.  The garden centre remains closed but they're operating a controlled collection system, you order and pay for your stuff online or over the phone and they give you a fixed time to come and collect the order from outside the store, so you don't have to wait in a queue.  Sounds a good system.

There's a fish and chip shop in Minehead we really like....well, there are several actually (obviously, being a seaside tourist place)…..this particular one is in a back street and frequented by locals, not tourists.  They do the best butchers sausages I've tasted from a takeaway, and gorgeous chips too.  I bet they're closed though - pity, as we could have got lunch from there.  I'll see if I can find them online and check before we go.

I'm finding now that I'm having to take a bigger dose of the CBD oil for pain management - my body's obviously got used to the lower dose I was originally having.  It's not cheap anyway and I'm getting through it quicker now, but it's worth it for the pain relief.  Or it is when I actually remember to take it!!  I forgot last night, hence why I'm in such pain now.  If ever I was uncertain that it actually does work, forgetting to take a dose proves it does, as I'm in agony when I do forget.


  1. A chippy lunch on the beach sounds ideal! I hope the sun shines for you. Enjoy your day! xxx

  2. Sue, can I ask how many drops you are using of the CBD oil. I have tried the codeine again but they just don't agree with me, I have the oil and think I will give it a go.

  3. Not a pleasant way to discover that the oil works but it's great that something does. I do wish it could be on prescription for you.

    I hope you have a lovely time at the beach. It's such a pleasant part of the world. My ex/late's parents lived in Ilfracombe and I had some pleasant holidays there before things went doolally!

  4. Hope you have a wonderful walk and get lucky with a chippy lunch. Sorry to read about the pain hope you manage to get it back under control.

  5. Hope you had a lovely day and enjoyed the fish and chips. x

  6. Hi hun, So sorry that you are in so much pain x.I love cod and chips in there paper with salt and malt vinegar (and ketchup!). Eating them out of the paper looking at the sea watching the waves roll to the shore- there is no better way to eat them!Yummm Roll on when this is finished and I can visit felixstowe golfcourse, stop at the pub and eat my fish and chips.*covid19* really makes you appreciate the small things in life! *hugs* Goldensunflowerx


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