
Monday 22 March 2021

A nice day wasted

 After 2 phone calls to the skip hire company, and waiting in all day for it to arrive, we finally had a call from the driver at 5.15 pm.....saying he couldn't find our house.  Hardly surprising - he was in the wrong road and about 5 miles away, and he didn't have our postcode on his paperwork!  He finally arrived about half an hour ago, just when I was about to serve dinner.  Honestly, why can't firms just get things right?  How hard can it be?  So a whole day of good weather has been wasted - it's forecast to be showery/rainy from Wednesday onwards for a week.  Bloody nuisance.  Still, it's here now, and we'll have to be busy all day tomorrow chucking everything in, before the rain arrives Wednesday morning.  Can't really start doing anything now, husband has to take Betty out, she only got a short walk earlier as we were waiting for the skip 😠  And we don't want to upset neighbours by making a load of noise now when they've just got in from work and want a quiet evening.


  1. There is nothing worse than waiting in all day and nobody arrives, I hate it. Like you say 'a wasted day'
    Let's hope the rain isn't too bad for you to get things done tomorrow.

  2. It does beg the question, why didn't the driver call you earlier? I hate waiting in for people. You can guarantee, the second you nip to the loo, out to the bins or sit down to eat, they'll be banging on the door. Hope the weather stays good so you can get busy. xx

  3. That is frustrating, they should have called you earlier to get better directions. Sometimes a down day can be a good one, reading, TV, chatting with a friend.

  4. Have fun filling the skip - having a good clear out is very satisfying

  5. What a shame, so frustrating. You are such a considerate neighbour.

  6. A wasted day is annoying but at least you have it now. Have a good day filling it up!


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