
Monday 8 March 2021

Getting on with things

 It's been a very busy couple of weeks.  Husband has finally cleared most of the junk out of the garage, so it's now nearly empty, whatever junk is left will be going in a skip.  We've decided we're not going to the tip anymore - it's a lot busier now than pre-Covid for a start.  And having been a few times in the past week, it seems every time we go we get held in a queue just sitting and waiting for 30 mins or so at a time, whilst lorries load up with stuff to take away (white goods, or big oil drums a couple of times last week).  Or the on site big digger thing is being used to squash down the rubbish in the skips to make more room, and whilst all that's taking place the staff close the gate to the public (elf n safety).  It all takes so much time!  Husband found a skip company offering a reasonable charge for a smallish skip, we were going to have it from the middle of this week but the weather forecast is so bad we'll leave it till next week.  At least we can now store the rest of whatever we chuck out in the garage until then.

The bedrooms are now sorted and decluttered, more or less, as is the lounge and dining room.  The utility room, kitchen equipment cupboards and my craft room are left to do, along with the poly tunnel which is falling apart - well, the cover is - and has just become another big shed for husband, being full of more of his accumulated old bits of wood and metal, and broken tools.  He's such a hoarder, and an untidy one at that....makes me look like housewife of the year 😂😂

And we've finally traded in our big gas guzzler 4x4 for a nice little car...well, it's a bit of a Tardis, looks small on the outside but surprisingly roomy inside.  The point is, it's a lot more economical in terms of tax, insurance and fuel, which is what we wanted now our circumstances have changed.  Pity, we liked the 4x4, it was a nice car and very comfortable, but needs must, we couldn't really afford to run it anymore.


  1. I have found that just because a car looks bit it doesn't mean the inside is also big. My Daughter has had a lot of big cars and they are all so uncomfortable. Gad you are sorting out, it feels good doesn't it?

  2. It's definitely decluttering season isn't it. I have been having a really good 'get rid'. It's been really liberating too. Our next car will be a lot smaller than the current one. We definitely do not need a car with seven seats. Not sure we ever did really.

  3. Good to see you back, Sooze. You've been very busy, puts me to shame. I want to get in the garden and do some tidying up, but it's too cold for me. I'm a fair weather gardener (which, given the UK climate, is why my garden generally looks a bit of a mess!) The new car should save you a bit of money, and that's got to be a good thing. xx

  4. Well done Sooze, you've made incredible progress. I'm a firm believer in the simpler we live the easier it is to change and adapt. Can you grow some bits and pieces to help with the budget?

  5. Good to see your post pop up and to hear you are well and sorting things out.
    Your new car should save you a lot

  6. Glad you were able to get your new car sorted out.

  7. Welcome back - and what a lot of work you have been doing I can understand your rest from blogland. The skip is a good idea - they are expensive around here and the tip collection point is not far away from us so we do tend to make good use of it. We can log on and look at the queuing times and go when it is quiet.
    Hope you get to like your new car.

  8. We have a new appointment system at our dump which is fantastic. I can't stop Tom going he is enjoying it so much! Well done with all that clearing out. It is so satisfying when it is all done.

  9. Good to read your latest post. You have been busy. Sounds like a major spring clean and a new car.

  10. Gosh you've been busy, you put me to shame. I seem to be a lazy so and so during the week and then it's all systems go every weekend :-)


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