
Monday 9 August 2021

A mostly cooking day

 Busy day, just sat down after being on the go all day up till now.  And I don't think I'll get up again 😂

09.00 this morning I had a (phone) consultation with my diabetes nurse for my annual review.  Good and not so good points - my blood glucose level and my weight have both gone up....only a bit though, she said they weren't really anything to worry about and she knows I'll get them both down again very soon (her words, glad she's got faith in me!).  My blood pressure and cholesterol level though have both gone DOWN - woohoo!  BP is completely normal level now, cholesterol is only slightly above what they'd like it to be.  To be honest, I've never been worried about my cholesterol anyway, it's never been 'high', only higher than 'they' recommend.....and our bodies need cholesterol to make cells, hormones and Vit. D.  The drop in BP I put down to the caravan effect.....the cholesterol drop I've no idea.  Nurse said well keep doing whatever it is you're doing! 😂😂

Then we had to nip into town as I needed a few bits from the supermarket which I forgot to get last week.  I still forgot to get tin foil though, I'm completely out of it now - AND I even had it written on my list!  😒.  Oh well.

Got on with batch cooking for the freezer as soon as we were back.  I made 3 fish pies and a big pan of savoury mince which is portioned up for future spag bol, cottage pies or chilli.  I also made 2 batches of scone dough - one cheese, one fruit......I rolled the dough out and cut out the scones, put them on trays and open froze them unbaked.  Getting ahead for when we have friends over to the caravan for afternoon teas.

Had a power cut sometime in the early hours of this morning, no idea how long it was off for but the bleeping of the phone when the power came back on woke me up at about 04.20.  Must have knocked out the EE transmitter at the same time, as I've had no mobile phone signal since then - EE have emailed to say there's a problem (no shit Sherlock) and signal should be restored within 13 hours (wonder how they know that? 🤔).  As a matter of fact, EE are always having problems here, nothing new!

Thank you for all the flowering shrub suggestions, lots to consider.  There's a lovely garden centre in the next village not far from the caravan, it's an independent and grows the majority of their plant stock themselves.  We've only had a brief look around so far (although we did buy 3 roses for the caravan garden), we'll go back and have another look the next time we're at the van.

We had slow roast belly pork yesterday, which was melt in the mouth delicious.  Quite a bit left, so I've chopped it up and we'll have it stir fried with veg and noodles tonight.  I did a trayful of roasted Mediterranean veg and there's plenty of that left to stir fry with the pork.  So an easy virtually ready made dinner, thankfully, after standing up in the kitchen for a few hours.


  1. I used to do a lot of batch cooking, not so much now there's only the two of us, but it'll be very handy for you to have things on hand to take to the caravan. You don't want to be spending your time there cooking when you can be relaxing.

  2. WOW! you have been busy. You'll not have to cook for weeks by the sound of it! xx

  3. I am always in the mood to hear what kind of meals you come up with.
    Fish pies?

  4. LOL I had the same response from my doctor at the last blood tests. While my supposedly bad cholesterol was about the same, my good cholesterol was really high. I was told to keep on doing whatever it was I was doing.... Now if I could only figure out what that was.

    I am always amazed at how people can batch cook. Me I am lucky if I can make something to last two or three meals.... My kind of batch cooking is just trying to make huge batches of whatever I am cooking for supper.

    God bless.

  5. Lazy day here, we had food from our 'toogoodtogo' bag for each meal, so spent loads of time reading.


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