
Thursday 26 August 2021


 Husband's BiL's funeral this afternoon was livestreamed so, thanks to the MiFi, we were able to watch it on my laptop.  The service was quite nice, not religious (taken by a neutral Celebrant lady), fairly well attended.  It did make me sad to see so many relatives, including my sister (who is friends with husband's sister) who we haven't seen in such a long time - since before Covid.  Hopefully, we'll be able to see them soon, we're planning on going up there (husband's health permitting) and staying overnight in a month or two.  I think that's the only downside of having moved down here to Somerset 11 years ago - the fact that most of our family live several hours' drive away.  It's not easy when we're all getting older and health is deteriorating.

Feeling melancholy today.....the funeral and not being able to go, I suppose, and it bringing into sharp focus the fact of not having seen our family and friends for so long.  Even my best friend who lives nearby, I don't see nearly enough of.....although that's not so much to do with Covid, more busy lives and different priorities.

It's been too hot here today, the caravan is like an oven again.  Shouldn't complain, but the heat really takes it out of me, I feel like a limp wet rag and don't feel like doing anything.  I don't think I'll have Betty on my bed tonight - she's like a hot water bottle, and a heavy one at that.

Husband is feeling much better, but his appetite still hasn't recovered, he's still leaving food on his plate and that's highly unlike him.  I'm serving up smaller portions too, so hopefully both of us will lose a bit of weight!

We're thinking of popping home over the weekend and bringing back our lovely outdoor dining set - it's a very nice rattan & glass topped table and 2 lovely comfy rattan chairs with cushions.  We're spending more time here at the van than we are at home, so it would make sense.  There is a wooden table and chairs here, left behind by the previous owner and included in the sale when we bought the van, so we might take them home and do a swap - they're ok, but not as nice as our rattan set.

I did some drawing today - a few Christmas cards!  Decided my theme for this year will be monochrome Christmas trees with a little splash of colour - a few baubles maybe, or a gold star on top of the tree, or maybe a robin in the tree or a wrapped present underneath.


  1. Funerals have that effect, and when you attend virtually, it somehow makes it worse. I know we felt guilty not attending funerals over the past year, even though we couldn't have done due to Covid. Anyway, I'm glad your hubby's health is improving. It's nice that you're able to spend lots of time at the caravan. You've both worked hard and are now able to enjoy the fruits of your labours! The cards sound nice. Photos - please! xx

  2. I am glad that you managed to be able to see the funeral via live stream. I am also happy that your husband is improving. Staying at the caravan is probably giving him a lovely place to recuperate.

    God bless.

  3. I'm glad the link worked and you were able to be there in spirit.
    Swapping the patio furniture sounds a very good idea. Your ones at home sound a lot more comfortable.
    It's been quite chilly here - such strange weather at the moment.

  4. Prayers
    Not seeing family and friends difficult.
    Covid rampant here…


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