
Sunday 29 January 2023

Enthusiasm returns

 Well, I didn't sleep at all well last night.....was up half the night with a stomach upset.  Oddly enough, the dog has one too, although she's now eaten something and seems a lot better, having been very subdued and sleepy all morning.  My stomach is still unsettled now, although I feel well enough, just knackered again from lack of sleep.  Oh well, at least I had the good sleep the night before!  I think it'll be a day of plain food today.  Maybe just a cuppa soup for lunch, and fishcakes (not homemade, but the lovely posh ones without breadcrumbs from Morrisons) for dinner, with some green veg.  Husband is having gammon, I've put his joint in the slow cooker.  Betty had a few plain (dog) biscuits, I'll give her some plain cooked chicken or scrambled egg later.

We're still planning for more decluttering and downsizing in the future, e.g. we have a huge solid antique pine wardrobe that's very big and heavy, which we're not keen on taking with us to a bungalow (it will most likely take up too much space), so we'll probably sell it.  We have a hanging clothes rail and a few chests of drawers which I'm sure will be sufficient, once we've gone through and got rid of a load more clothes.  Both of us have far too many clothes and, in husband's case, he doesn't wear probably more than half of his, just wearing the same 2 or 3 changes of clothes over and over again.  We'll probably sell our old oak dining table and chairs too, we'll get a much smaller drop leaf table and 2 chairs for the new place, when we get it.

I've had no luck trying to get hold of a scrap metal man to come and collect our broken tumble dryer and large box full of old saucepans and metal baking tins.  One did ask for our address, but we've not heard back from him since, despite me messaging him several times.  I asked on the local FB pages if there was anyone else who'd come and take the stuff away, but no takers.  So it looks like we'll have to take the stuff to the tip ourselves.  Never mind, we'll be making tip trips regularly anyway.  Husband will need someone to come and help him get the tumble dryer out of the utility room and into the back of the car though, he can't do it by himself and there's no way I can help him with it.  One of the neighbours will help, I expect.  There are plenty of staff at the tip to help him get it out of the car.

I'm ready to get on with the sorting and decluttering again now, I'll start with the rogue small amount of paperwork I found on the little shelf unit behind the sofa the other day.  As the weather has warmed up considerably, husband can get on with clearing his clutter out of the utility room, he's already said he'll  do it this week.

I've sent an email to the housing dept, advising them that husband is now in receipt of Attendance Allowance and asking for an update, they're certainly dragging their heels - I applied for the housing a couple of weeks before the A/A.


  1. I'm wondering if there is a doggy stomach bug going around as Suky was very poorly for a full 24 hours last week and now Mavis has a dicky tummy. They are both loving a diet of alternating chicken and scrambled egg as advised by the vet though.

    Selling some of the unwanted furniture will be a helpful boost to your moving fund too.

  2. I seem to be having a run of poor nights, too. Just get up and make a drink and wait for sleepiness to return! What a shame you can't get someone to take the old white goods. Whatever happened to the old rag and bone men? I haven't seen one for years. You're certainly making inroads with the decluttering, and have plans for those things you won't need. I just hope the housing department get their fingers out. It would be nice to know you are now in the system at least! xx

  3. Prayers and good luck. The govt here moves slowly.

  4. I would try the FB route again more than once if need be with the dryer. The right person just may have not seen it or ask for a name of someone that might take it and call them. :) Good going so far , so good.

  5. I seem to get nights like that too, Sooze, an unsettled tummy and sleepless. I hope you feel better tonight. You sound much happier now though and making determined inroads into the decluttering and plans for moving. Well done. Things are coming together nicely.

  6. The rest from decluttering seems to have done its task. Little bites of the elephant and you will be done very quickly.

    God bless.


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