
Monday 30 January 2023

Like a log

Well, I slept like a log last night.  I vaguely recall half waking up when Betty suddenly woofed, jumped off my bed and ran downstairs (she'd obviously heard something), but I've no idea what time it was and was too tired and comfy to get up and see what it was.  I must have gone straight back to sleep, Betty was on my bed this morning when I woke up at 06.15 so she'd obviously come back up without disturbing me.  So I'm set up for the day.

This morning we're going into town to do a few things.  A tip trip first, the large boxful of old saucepans and baking trays has been on the table since I filled it up a couple of weeks ago, there's no room anywhere else for it and it's getting on my nerves, it needs to go.  As I mentioned, despite asking on a few of the local village FB pages, no scrap man has got back to me, the only one named hasn't answered any of my messages so I guess he doesn't want the job.  There's a few other things to chuck as well, so that's the first job.  Then we're going to Wilko's, there's a few things I need from there.  After that we'll be going to Matalan, I need a couple of pairs of plain leggings to wear when I'm having my physio (tomorrow!  I'm so glad I've now got the appointment).  Ironically, I'd sorted out 2 or 3 pairs of old but still with some life left in them leggings last week and gave them to a charity shop, in a carrier bag of stuff....sod's law.

I'll be sorting out the rogue small pile of paperwork this afternoon, whilst husband makes a start on his junk in the utility room.  Dinner tonight is a homemade cottage pie out of the freezer for husband, some little (bought) cheesy risotto balls for me, and veggies left over from dinner yesterday, so I've got no cooking to do.  Oh, mine and Betty's tummy upsets have gone, we're both fine now.

Sue from A Smaller Life put on some pics of little salmon tarts she made the other day....they looked so yummy I'm going to make some tomorrow, I've got pastry and salmon in the freezer, there's also half a bag of raw prawns so I think I'll get out a few of them too.  I'll use chopped up broccoli (not keen on spinach, which Sue used) and there's a ball of mozzarella in the fridge that's almost on it's use by date, so they'll go in as well.  Thanks for the idea, Sue!


  1. Doesn't everything seem better when you've had a good night's sleep? After all the work you've done, I think you deserve a couple of new pairs of leggings. A little treat! Sounds like a nice and productive day planned. Hope the physio goes well tomorrow. xx

  2. Too bad the scrap man didn't answer you. His loss.

    I am glad that you got a lovely nights sleep.

    God bless.

  3. A proper restful sleep makes so much difference doesn't it.

  4. There's nothing better than a good night's sleep, is there. It really sets us up for the day.

    Good luck with the physio. xx

  5. My pleasure. I hope yours turned out as tasty as mine. I really must make them again, and broccoli sounds like a good alternative veg for them.


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