
Saturday 14 January 2023

Weekend off to gather my thoughts

 Torrential rain and winds again during the night, although admittedly it didn't keep me awake all the time - I think I slept fairly well out of sheer exhaustion.  It kept husband awake though, apparently.  It's brightening up a bit now, there's even a hint of sunshine.  Temperatures dropping again next week, especially overnight, with the possibility of some snow.  From my kitchen window I can see the green of bulbs pushing up in the 2 new flower beds we planted up last year.....I planted early Spring bulbs like Iris Reticulata and mini narcissi, if I remember rightly, so there'll soon be some colour.

We've come to a bit of a temporary halt with the decluttering - well, I have, which means husband has as well.....he doesn't really need much of an excuse to down tools but, to be fair, he wouldn't really know what to do if I didn't give him the jobs.  I guess I'm just feeling a bit overwhelmed with it all - silly really, as it's not like we have to do it all at once, there's no real rush.  Yesterday it was getting to be a case of things being moved from one place to another, rather than being disposed of - husband has difficulty making decisions about what needs keeping and what doesn't.  E.g a broken watch that's not been worn for literally years - neither of us has worn a watch for donkeys years, so what's the point of keeping it?  It's not worth anything, it was only a cheap one.  And a step counter thing....from what I remember, it didn't work very well - it had a habit of adding steps when the wearer was either standing still or perhaps moved an arm, so not very accurate at all.  So I keep finding things like these that husband has sorted out, but then put on a cupboard or work surface as he didn't know what to do with them - just bin them for goodness sake!!  We sold another kitchen item yesterday, so another small amount for the moving fund.

We've now got a large carrier bagful of discarded paperwork containing personal details, so needs burning.  There's still loads more to go through yet.  

So I think we're going to have the weekend off, so I can gather my thoughts together and work out a plan for next week.  Tomorrow we're hopefully going to collect some more boxes from a friend, to go with the dozen heavy duty boxes from Amazon that were delivered the other day, and husband bought 2 extra long rolls of parcel tape.  I think once we've decluttered every room, we'll then start on packing things that aren't needed immediately.

According to the Council housing website, if and when we're offered a property, we are supposed to be ready to move in within 2 weeks đŸ˜², so the more we can get done now in the way of decluttering and packing, the better.  I suppose we could always pay a month's rent and that will effectively give us 6 weeks to pack everything up, our landlord here is quite easy-going and won't be breathing down our necks for us to move out....they'll be wanting to do some updating of our present house before they move anyone else in.  We could possibly use that time to take over some things in the car to the new property, say 2 or 3 packed boxes or the odd item of furniture, to cut down on the amount of stuff needing to be moved on 'Moving Day' itself.  I'll be able to unpack a few things then at my leisure ready for when we move in, rather than it all being one big confusing stressful chaotic day all at once.  Moving house is one of the most stressful things you can do, isn't it, so it's not really something I'm looking forward to.  But of course we'll hopefully have a nice new home, in even more hopefully a nice area, so there's that to focus on.


  1. A good idea to take some time out to gather your thoughts. There's no rush to get sorted, but the more you can do now, the less stressed you'll be when move day arrives! If you could do a more leisurely move, too, that would be good. It's always frantic moving on one day. By the time you've got everything out of one house and back in another, you're too exhausted to sort stuff out. Anyway, I'm sure everything will slot beautifully into place, eventually! Give Him a bin bag and say, "Anything you're not sure about, put in here!" What happens to the bin bag is then up to you. He he! xx

  2. That is a great idea Sooze to take the weekend off and gather your thoughts. I think you have done very well with the job so far and a break will be just the ticket to figuring out what you need to do next.

    God bless.

  3. I have to get rid of some things as well, well more. Got a start and got unmotivated. :) You are doing great. A respite and you will feel ready to go again.
    Just chuck his questionable stuff, he will never miss it.

  4. I packed loads up before we moved and stored them, once in our 'new' house which was smaller, I got rid of so much more.

  5. You are doing amazingly well, Sooze, so take a break and then carry on as before with 'little and often' sorting and packing. I'm sure it will all come together at the end and it's especially helpful that you might have the option of the extra 4 weeks to sort things out. Take heart x

  6. Taking a break and then restarting is a brilliant idea. You are doing so well with all this too.
    Having the new place for at least a week or two before you move in will also mean than you can clean everywhere, and even have some things in the kitchen cupboards before moving day so that there's not that worry of what will we eat and where are the mugs etc.


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