
Tuesday 31 January 2023

Living with Mr Bean - EDITED

 Yesterday morning we did the things we needed to do in town.  The tip was virtually empty, we drove straight in (sometimes we have to queue).  It's surprisingly thrilling chucking a load of old metal baking tins and saucepans into a big skip, it makes a load of satisfyingly loud noises!  Good for releasing frustrations....or perhaps that's just me feels like that 😂😂.  I'm still baffled by some of the new signage on the various skips.....'Energy from waste', 'Residual waste' e.g.  Oh well, there are staff there to guide you to the right skip.  So that's another load of unwanted stuff gone.  

After lunch (I had crackers and cheese and an apple, husband had a ham and pickle sandwich), I got on with sorting the rogue bit of paperwork, took me about half an hour.  Now I think I can safely say that ALL paperwork has been dealt with.....what's the betting I'll find another little pile somewhere?!

Husband didn't do the utility room, he wasn't feeling too good so went to bed for the afternoon.  It's nothing worrying, he's just having a couple of down days with his heart failure, some days he's relatively ok, others he's lacking in energy and feeling very tired.  And on Sunday he had a couple of minor accidents - spilt a mug of tea he was carrying (his hands were particularly shaky that day) and in the evening he fell up the stairs...luckily he didn't hurt himself.  Both of those are regular occurrences, his balance issues are always worse when he's having a bad day, he's always been a bit uncoordinated and clumsy anyway (he's a right Mr Bean!), but the heart failure and some of his meds do make it worse.  I often say despite his health problems and him being 9 years older than me, it'll be me who dies first, he'll be the death of me from shock one of these days....he's always tripping up, dropping things, knocking things over, bumping into people or doors or cutting himself 😒.  I did mention all of these problems (his problems, not me dying of shock lol) on both the housing and the Attendance Allowance forms.  Speaking of the housing dept, I received a reply to my email late yesterday afternoon, saying our application is still waiting to be assessed for banding and they are extremely busy at the moment.  So patience it is.

This morning I'm going to do some baking - the salmon, prawn and broccoli tarts I mentioned yesterday, and a lemon drizzle cake as I have a couple of wrinkly lemons, I'll also prep some veg to go with the fish tarts for dinner.  Then I've got my physio early afternoon.....from past experience (I've had physio loads of times for back issues over the years) the first 2 or 3 sessions generally leave me aching, if not in even more pain - it's always worse before it gets better.  So I most likely won't want to stand in the kitchen preparing dinner afterwards, hence why I'll be doing it this morning.


Whilst I was in the shower, we had a phone call so husband took was the physio dept cancelling my appointment for this afternoon.  They tried to give me a phone appt for later this week - husband said No, she needs a face to face one (good for him!) so it's now next Monday.  As I've said before, having had a couple of them, a phone appointment for physio is as much use as a chocolate teapot. 😡


  1. I hope your husband has a better day today. They are a worry, aren't they?
    At least the Housing dept got back to you and you know (sort of) where things stand. Doesn't look like things are going to happen any time soon! I hope the physio helps, even if it makes you sore for a while. Take it easy! xx

    1. Just seen your edit. Physio via phone? Madness! Good on Him for saying no. xx

  2. I'm trying to imagine how 'physio by telephone' works! Then again, I had a (long overdue) diabetic examination by telephone which I gave up on when asked to take a photo of my legs after I mentioned 'lumpiness' . . Absolutely ridiculous - we don't all have Smart phones which can photograph and send via internet.

    1. It doesn't work - the last time I had a phone physio appt (during Covid) for my hip, I was asked by the physio to do certain exercises and then tell her how I was feeling! She explained what to do (not very well, and I didn't really understand) - how on earth she (or I!) could be sure I was doing them right without her actually seeing me and showing me, I don't know. Ridiculous. I was supposed to have a weekly phone course, but refused.

  3. It's all gone crazy hasn't it. Makes you wonder if they want all us old uns gone, lol

    1. My best and I have always said after we turned a certain age, we became invisible. This has been evident since Covid as many didn't worry about the aged dying.

  4. it sucks getting old I have decided, it's one thing after another. My mother is 12 years younger than my step-father and despite him being in a care home now, we often joke he'll out live her, as he does nothing, while my mother runs around like a blue bottomed fly!!! Popping over to visit you via Joy's!! Gill in Canada

  5. Physio by telephone would make a brilliant comedy sketch. You could sit in your armchair, feet up with a cup of coffee and a doughnut and just make all the appropriate noises at the appropriate times and then say how much better you are feeling. Or you could make the sound of falling flat on the floor and just groan .... now that would get them worried!!

  6. Our youngest son had physio for his hip right at the beginning of Covid. It was done on Zoom so at least he could see and talk to the therapist and the therapist could see if he was doing the exercises properly.

    In this house I am the one who is always bruised, or cut. Harvey worries when I get a knife in my hands.

    God bless.

  7. Fingers crossed your in person appointment is a go for next Monday.


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