
Thursday 12 January 2023

Too tired yesterday

 We didn't get very much done at all yesterday, neither of us had slept well Tuesday night and were both very tired.  All I did was gather together a few more stray no longer used items for the charity box, then some banking and a bit of research on the internet.  Sorted out another wash load and cooked dinner.  Husband had to do something with his shed door - a neighbour wanted to borrow some tools but husband couldn't get the shed door open, it had warped with all the rain we've had and was stuck fast.  He managed in the end.  Other than that, he snoozed in front of the TV most of the one time in the afternoon both he and Betty were flat out snoring their heads off (and then when I coughed and woke him up, he denied being asleep 😒 - I should have recorded the pair of them on my phone!).

Slept much better last night.  Today husband is tackling the cupboard under the kitchen sink and the corner cupboard with all the Pyrex and ceramic bakeware in it.  I'll be photographing the small electrical items and listing them for sale, and sorting through all the cookery books, most of which will go to the charity shop - the jobs put off from yesterday.  We've decided to hold off going to the tip until we have a carload of stuff.

One of the things I'm really not looking forward to dealing with is the paperwork - there's loads of it, and it's in several different places.  I know a lot of it can be thrown away, and everything with personal details on it burnt in husband's dustbin incinerator (although he needs a dry, non-windy day for that and they've been few and far between lately).  I guess the thing to do is to tackle one cupboard, drawer or pile at a time, perhaps in between other decluttering jobs, so it doesn't become too boring or overwhelming.

All the meals we're having this week I've planned to either be easy and quick to cook, or something ready made out of the freezer which just needs heating up and some green veg added.  That's where batch cooking and freezing comes into its own.  Tonight it'll be the other half of the pasta bake we had the other day, tomorrow we're having either jacket spuds with beans, cheese and coleslaw, or lemon pepper dusted plaice with chips, peas and coleslaw.

Had an email from the housing dept yesterday afternoon to acknowledge receipt of our medical evidence, but saying they need one more specific piece.  We'll have to see the GP to get it, which shouldn't be a problem, I'll organise that today.

EDIT - Got an appointment for this afternoon.


  1. I've got one of those - a husband who denies sleeping on the settee, even though he's been snoring! A couple of years ago, I sorted out the household bills, credit card statements etc into a ring binder with a plastic wallet for each category. I used to keep them forever, in large A4 envelopes that became ripped and tatty, now I just keep the last couple of bill receipts or credit card statements and shred the old ones. My husband files all the bank statements etc in ring binders, too.
    Glad the housing information has got through. Getting just one more bit of evidence should be easy, then it'll just be waiting, knowing everything's in place. xx

    1. Bless them (husbands), patience should be listed in the marriage contract! ;-)) xx

  2. When you solve the paperwork clutter clue me in. We are swimming with stuff my husband kept and kept beyond any need.

    1. Considering I was a secretary most of my working life, I should be better in the paperwork department!

  3. It is just so easy to snooze when one is warm and comfortable and a bit weary!
    I tend to keep hold of paperwork too. It's daft really but . . .

    Good luck with the last bit of evidence. xx

    1. I guess husband does have an excuse (or reason) for his constant snoozing....xx

  4. I'm ruthless with paperwork and go through it all at least once a year, disposing of all but the latest copy of everything. As most things can now be chased up online, instructions, bills etc and banks keep records going back years there's really no need for me to worry about it. Alan keeps a copy of his last security clearance as the basis for filling in the new one every five years and that holds so much of the information we need for other form filling so I really can be ruthless.

    1. I need to be more ruthless with the paperwork, definitely!

  5. Great, they got it and you know it. Now the one more piece and you are on your way to a move in the future. Closer than you were before. I guess it was for I wonder if it was for the care/carer monies.

    1. Yes B, it was for housing. Not heard back from the care stuff yet - they're apparently running about 8 weeks behind.

  6. Bit by bit you are getting things done. Rest when you need too.

    God bless.


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