
Friday 25 August 2023

Autumnal, and putting up with things

 The sky is a most peculiar colour this morning, sort of yellowish-grey thick clouds coming over, it almost looks like smog.  Forecast is for clouds and showers.  

It's definitely feeling autumnal now isn't it.  For a start, we've had lots of the dreaded 8-legged things appearing, I feel like a permanent nervous wreck.  There was what I thought was a big one upstairs yesterday turned out to be a large grasshopper!  And there are loads of wasps around too, they're a blooming nuisance coming indoors all the time, it's still very warm (muggy actually) so we have lots of windows open.  The nights are drawing in, we have to put lights on before 9pm now.  Flowers are dying off, shrubs are dropping their leaves.  Putting washing out on the line will be a bit hit and miss for the next few days, mixed weather with showers most days.

We haven't had many apples on our trees this year, but those we do have are looking good, a nice big size.  I think we might pick them over the weekend, leaving a few for the birds - we're back off to the caravan next week and I don't want to come back home and find the remaining apples have been decimated by wasps and birds.  We've been given yet more tomatoes and runner beans by lovely neighbours, so lots of prepping and freezing to do over the weekend.

Husband has fallen back into the bad habit of dozing in his recliner chair in front of the TV all day, trying to get him motivated to do anything is an uphill struggle.  I persuaded him to go in the garden and do a bit of weeding and tidying up yesterday - he was only out there for literally 10 minutes, he said he didn't feel like it.  It's a good job I don't say the same (despite it being true!) about the cooking, washing, cleaning etc.  I've had lots of admin and form filling to do this week, which I hate doing but it's got to be done, I don't have the option of saying I don't feel like doing it as I'm the only one who can do it.

I was talking to a neighbour the other day, we had coffee together.  She had no idea about the extent of husband's health problems and what it means for us both, and was open-mouthed in astonishment at some things.  She said she wouldn't put up with half the things I put up with and do.  But when things need doing and I'm the only one who can do them, I have to, I have no other choice.  As for husband's apathy, lounging around doing nothing, rudeness and argumentativeness....I guess I just have to keep telling myself he (largely) can't help it and put up with it, although I won't stand for being abused for no reason.

Anyway, enough of that, I've got plenty to do today - keeping busy keeps me out of his way and helps to take my mind off my back pain (seems to be the season for backache!).  I'm feeling totally worn out this week, it'll be good to get away next week and do nothing except rest, read and crochet.


  1. Yes, a few days ago (when it was nice weather for once) I put the washing out early and it felt quite autumnal. It wouldn't be so bad if we'd had a summer to speak of, but at least we're not on fire like many countries.
    I hope joining your friends for a game of Petanque spurs your husband into action. Mind you, I can talk, I seem to have lost my enthusiasm for many things, too. If it's got to be done, it gets done, reluctantly, otherwise - manana! xx

  2. Autumn has definitely got one foot in the door, and I agree that it'd be welcome if we'd had a summer first!
    You've the patience of a saint with Him and all the life admin that falls to you. Mine's the same but has no excuse at all🙄
    It's the emotional labour which is most exhausting, I think.
    Hope you can rest up now so you can properly enjoy your break next week.

  3. Trees are changing colour here and losing the foliage (seems much too early as this usually happens at the end of September), the garden is producing a bit less (not tomatoes, peppers, and eggplant though) and I am getting a bit tired of harvesting and processing. But one does what one needs to do.

    Glad that you got a visit in with a neighbour and were able to vent a bit.

    God bless.

  4. Yes, it definintely seems to be the season for backache, it's very strange. My brothers back went big style last week and now he's off on the sick for three weeks and we are having to take over my Mum's shopping, which is confusing her greatly! She gave me her list over the phone and then when we took it to her on Friday she had another list of completely different things ready to hand to my brother.


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