
Saturday 19 August 2023

Unbelievable! And awww how lovely

 I made my first batch of yogurt in the slow cooker yesterday, left it overnight as instructed.  Somehow I wasn't expecting success with my first lot - although how it could go wrong with just 2 ingredients and a very simple method I don't know!  But it's a success - lovely thick fresh yogurt, 3 big tubs of it (I used 2 litres of milk and a 200ml pot of Greek-style live yogurt).  It's so thick I don't think I'll bother straining it.  So now I'll be eating yogurt in some form or another every day.  Yum.  So easy I won't be buying it anymore.

Husband had his painful back tooth out yesterday, he says his mouth feels a bit sore today but nowhere near the pain he had before, only a 1 or 2 on the scale now, whereas before it was an 8.  He wanted soup yesterday as he couldn't chew anything, so I knocked him up a very quick and easy one - a can of chopped tomatoes, can of baked beans, some herbs and a little smoked paprika, squirt of tomato puree, whizzed up with my stick blender until smooth, then warmed gently and finished off with a swirl of soured cream.  He liked it, there's plenty left.  He reckons his mouth will be fine to eat his massive pork chop tomorrow.

That angel-faced nurse who killed all those babies - I was astounded to hear that she REFUSED to appear in court for the verdict and is apparently also refusing to be there for the sentencing next week. 😲 Unbelievable - refusing to attend shouldn't even be an option, she should be dragged there in chains.  I gather that new laws are going to be rushed through so that criminals are forced to appear - and so they should, it's an outrage that it's even allowed for them to refuse, how very dare they!  I feel for every one of those bereaved families - but especially for the poor parents of the babies where a verdict couldn't be reached....they're left in limbo not knowing what happened to their babies, and possibly having to sit through yet another trial, just to prolong their agony even more.  I hate watching the news nowadays and avoid it if I can.  Some things I'd rather not know about.

I've got to do a review of our housing application today, so I've been informed via a message on our social housing account - apparently it has to be renewed every 9 months, or else withdrawn.  At least it gives me the opportunity to add husband's cognitive impairment to the list, although I doubt it will have any effect on our banding.  Whilst the Council are reviewing our application, we're not allowed to put in any bids for 3 weeks, so I hope the perfect property doesn't come up in that time!  Wouldn't that be Sod's Law!

Betty's got the vet today for an ear check up following her procedure under anaesthetic, I'm sure it'll be fine, she's had no ear trouble since then.  Although, having said that, she has been shaking her head a few times this morning.....although the vet said it could just be her trying to dislodge some wax when I mentioned it to them before.  Oh, when husband was waiting for me in the supermarket car park the other day (he has the tailgate open and sits there with Betty), a man stopped and said Betty was the most beautiful dog he'd ever seen....aww, how lovely.  She does get a lot of praise from strangers actually.

Small wonder, who could resist that face?!


  1. It is just wrong that the guilty are allowed to refuse to attend court for sentencing. The hospital consultants' concerns were ignored, too, so they must be feeling pretty sore. What a wicked world we live in.

  2. Being here in Texas, I haven't heard about the case! How Awful! They shouldn't even be given a Choice about attending or not! Ridiculous!
    And I Love Miss Betty!! She's gorgeous...part Shar-pei? SO sweet!
    Thanks for the photos Sooze!

  3. Totally agree that offenders shouldn't have the option of not attending. They should be forced to confront their crimes and face those they've affected. I can't watch or read anything about the case, it's too painful. The parents of those babies must be going through hell.
    On another note, I sometimes make tomato soup from a recipe by Jack Monroe. 200g drained and rinsed tinned carrots, 400g tin of tomatoes, half a 400g tin of coconut milk and 1 veg stock cube. Blend the carrots and tomatoes, pour into a saucepan. Add the coconut milk and stock cube and heat gently for about 15 mins. Serves 2. Tastes just like a certain well-known brand of tomato soup. We use the other half tin of coconut milk in a curry.
    I hope the perfect property doesn't become available until you're ready.
    Darling Betty, I could just kiss that nose! xx

  4. I have avoided reading about the case. Horrifying. Does she say she is innocent? Maybe that is why she refuses to appear.

  5. Your yogurt sounds lovely! Did you follow a recipe online? How do you make it is it full cream milk or semiskimmed?Think I might have a go if it's easy.

  6. Or that belly given up to you.
    Yogurt in a crockpot. I have just recently tried Greek yogurt with honey. It came that way. Heavenly.

  7. How in the heck can someone found guilty not show up in court for sentencing at least??? I just do not understand.

    Glad the yogurt turned out and that soup sounds fantastic.

    God bless.

  8. I thought that the change in law was being rushed through after the last murderer had decided not to attend for sentencing, how wrong it is that she still has that choice. She needs to face her crimes in every way.

    Betty is beautiful. I bet you need to brush the sand out of those gorgeous wrinkles after she's been on the beach, I know we have to with Suky the Pug.


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