
Saturday 26 August 2023

Running out of patience

 I'm having a battle again to get husband to do anything, he's really slipped back into his bad old ways of doing absolutely nothing yet again.  It's his job to do the hoovering - and before anyone says I expect too much of him with his heart failure, he was the one who actually volunteered to take on the job a couple of years ago, because he could see how I struggled with it because of my bad back and hips.  He doesn't do the whole house at once (not even one floor at a time) and nor would I expect him to, he just does usually one room.  Which is fine by me, as long as all the rooms get done eventually.  With a dog who sheds hair all the time, the hoovering really needs to be done every other day, but I always knew that would never happen with husband, but as long as he does it at least once a week, I don't complain.  Well, we've now been back home from the caravan for 9 days, and he's not done the hoovering once.  And it shows!  

I've been asking him for days now to pick a load of apples off the trees, before the wasps (we are inundated with wasps right now, there's obviously a nest somewhere close) get them all.  He hasn't done it.  He's got an appointment for his diabetic eye screening in a week's time, he needs to have someone take him as he has to have drops in his eyes which affect his eyesight for a few hours afterwards, meaning he can't drive.  I've been reminding him for the past 4 or 5 days that he needs to ask someone to take him - nope, not done it, he's now said he'll cancel the appointment and rearrange it for a later date - it's the easier option for him!

He insists he's not depressed, mutters vaguely about breathlessness - well I know that's not the case, he only gets breathless upon exertion and he's certainly not exerting himself lounging in his chair dozing in front of the TV!  And the breathlessness wears off with 5 minutes of rest.

No, he's just got into this pit of apathy again, lying there with the TV on all day is the easiest thing to do and he does enjoy watching any and all old rubbish on the TV!

It's so unbelievably frustrating having to try and get him to do things, I get accused of nagging (what is nagging except having to repeatedly ask for something to be done that should have been done the first time of asking!!  In which case we wouldn't HAVE to ask again and again!!), and then get resentful because yet again I'm the baddie.

Well I can't worry about it now, I've got a busy day even if he hasn't.  But he'll have to get his finger out and do something, before I run out of patience.


  1. Oh, Sooze, I wish I had the answer, but I haven't. I can appreciate how annoying and frustrating it is for you. Would he take the hint if you left the hoover in front of him? Hugs. xx

  2. Have you thought of making a rota, just 30/60 minutes a day, could be a small job in morning and then afternoon. Very basic and a bit more work for you to create, but if it's written down, he won't have any excuse.

  3. There are super lightweight vacuums for sale these days...10 to 12 lbs...that do an amazing job of things. If he can't or won't do his job any longer because of age or depression, I'd get one of the new models so you can easily use it if you need to. Or, hire a service to come in and clean once in a while. They really aren't that expensive and really do help. Maybe just the threat of doing so will entice him to get up...if not, maybe he needs to be checked for congestive heart failure. He has a lot of the symptoms. Wish I had better suggestions for you.
    Sending big hugs and prayer...

  4. I just have no idea of what you could do to get him up and moving once again. He seems to be in a bit of a depression period even though he says he isn't.

    God bless.

  5. Nagging is a work invented by men to excuse themselves. xx


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