
Thursday 31 August 2023

Rainy day

 Absolutely chucking it down at the mo and forecast to go on until mid afternoon, so it's a day in the van today. That's fine, the radio is on, husband's chattering away (as he does) and doing a bit of tidying up in his bedroom.  Betty's dozing, alternating between the sofa and my bed, she never lays in one place for very long.  I've got a good book and the baby blanket crochet, and jotting down a few meal ideas for the month ahead.

As I mentioned a few days ago, I'm going to see if I can make September a very low spend on food month.  It shouldn't be difficult, we have a fairly full freezer.  I'm going to try buying cheese (which we do eat a lot of, especially with me not eating meat) and veggies from the farmers market held at the local livestock market on Saturdays.  It's not one of those fancy expensive artisan markets, but a gathering of local farms and producers selling normal everyday homegrown and made produce, so it's fresher and cheaper than supermarket stuff.  And it's supporting local growers and the food hasn't come 100s of miles.

The small inheritance from the distant relative I didn't even know about landed in my bank account a couple of days ago.  I've given husband some, bought a new pair of slippers for myself and the rest has gone into the moving fund savings account.  I'm grateful to him, despite not knowing of his existence.  He was a cousin of my mother's, she never mentioned him at all, nor did her siblings so I assume he was a bit of a black sheep.  Pity there's nobody left to ask about him.


  1. I remember seeing heir hunters a couple of times on TV, I always thought how exciting it must be to be contacted about a relative you never knew you had. I've researched my family tree and I don't think I've got anyone who will pop up out of the blue.

  2. Lovely to get a little windfall! Even though you didn't know the relative, I expect he would have been pleased to know that you appreciate his gift and are using it sensibly.

  3. How nice to get that little inheritance, and some left over to swell the moving coffers, too.
    I wish we had a decent market near here. There used to be a twice weekly one in a town nearby, which sold lovely homemade produce - pies, cheeses, pickles etc, as well as quite a few bric-a-brac/antiques stalls. Sadly, the stalls now just seem to sell the usual tat. All the interesting stalls have gone. Probably the old "Elf and Safety" rules have killed them off! xx

  4. Do you read Sue Hall's blogs?
    For the next year she is saving towards an early retirement by living on the equivalent of WWII rations and spending no more than £10 per week.

  5. How nice to get a little windfall - it really helps, doesn't it?
    No rain here yet but it is chilly and increasingly gloomy so I guess there's some on the way. I'll risk not watering the tomatoes! xx

  6. A very sensible way to use the little inheritance, I'm sure your distant relative would have approved, even if he was a 'black sheep'. Have you tried researching him online, you never know there could be some facts somewhere?

  7. Think we are getting more sunny weather after today. Hope you get to visit some of the places you had planned to. Schools go back next week so should be quieter.
    Nice to have some unexpected money :-)


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