
Tuesday 15 August 2023

The limit

 We've decided to go home Thursday.  Husband has had quite severe toothache for a fortnight, he can't get to see his dentist until the end of the month. When he asked how he was supposed to cope with the pain until then, they told him to rinse his mouth with salt water and ring 111 if it got too bad.  Helpful - not!  I've been telling him to ring 111 but he won't, says he'll wait until his appointment (and keep moaning until then).  In the meantime, he's like a bear with a sore head - well I suppose a sore head/face is exactly what he's got.  Being stuck in a small space with someone who's grouchy and doesn't want to do anything or go anywhere isn't pleasant.  Him more or less telling me I was stupid this morning, over something I didn't know about and had no reason to know, resulted in a big row.  I put up with a lot, but there is a limit and that was it.  He's now acting like nothing's happened, whereas I'll probably have a sleepless night with it all preying on my mind.

Thank you all for your support, in the form of comments and emails.  I'll try and reply when I get home.


  1. Grrrrr - for (not to) you both. It sounds pretty miserable really. Love to you both xx

  2. Aaaargh! No wonder you've had enough. Let's hope a combination of painkillers and salt mouthwash eases his pain, and thereby easing yours! At least at home, you can take yourself off to your craft room and leave him to get on with it. xx

  3. They make a pain deadener you get at the store for toothache pain. It is in a tube , I believe.

  4. co codamal over the counter at pharmacies in UK

  5. Going home might be the best for the two of you. Stop in a a pharmacy and pick up something to help with the pain of the toothache.

    God bless.

  6. Oh my. No sense people being rude. Prayers for you.


Thank you for comments, however please note that rude ones won't be published. Nor will anonymous ones now.