
Thursday 17 August 2023

Good news (for a change, ha)

 It was nice to be away at the van, even if it wasn't as relaxed and happy as usual, what with husband's bad toothache and me not feeling well for the past fortnight.  It wasn't just us with problems, several of our friends there also had difficulties of one kind or another.  Our lovely van neighbours C&J had a stone from a passing car hit their windscreen, causing a foot-long crack.  The friend on the other side of them was bitten several times by some insect on his leg, he had a bad reaction to it (he's got quite poor health anyway) and felt so bad yesterday he and his wife had to go home.  Another friend there had a 'funny turn' (his wife's words, a couple of dizzy spells) and spent a couple of days in bed.  And yet another van neighbour rang the site owner yesterday to say his wife, who's been quite ill for a while, has now gone into hospital and it looks like she may not come out.  That's the trouble with an ageing population I suppose, I would say two-thirds of the van owners are retired couples.  Every year in our site annual newsletter, the owner has sad news of at least one van owner having died.  Our van neighbours C&J have gone home too, but are coming back in a fortnight, so we'll no doubt go back there then.

Anyway, it's nice to be home, much more space and a much bigger bed!  Although Betty does sleep on my bed in the van for part of every night, she can't stretch out properly as it's too small (being a narrow single) so gets off (thankfully!) after an hour or two.  At home though, she stretches out comfortably on my big bed and stays all night.

Husband rang 111 this morning, as instructed by his dentist - they were kind but ultimately unhelpful - no available dentists, take painkillers in recommended quantities and rinse with salt water (as I said, he's already doing that).  They advised him to ring his own dentist every day to see if they have any cancellations.....well he did that straight after and, miracle of miracles, he's got in tomorrow morning!  It means we've had to change the time and day of Betty's vet appointment, but had no problem changing it to Saturday morning.

Another thing that pleased me - I weighed myself this morning, my weight loss has stagnated at 10lbs for the past 3 or 4 least it wasn't going back on, so I wasn't too bothered.  We actually ate quite sensibly whilst away - no crisps or chocolate biscuits, stayed fairly low carb although we did have beans on toast for lunches a couple of times, and had battered cod from the fish shop (no chips, just the cod) yesterday.  And I ate all the batter!  So I wouldn't have been surprised to see a small gain on the scales - to my astonishment I've lost another 2lbs, so 12lbs now in total, yippee!  Incidentally, we've not had fish and chips (as a takeaway from a chippie I mean) for probably more than a year, so I was quite shocked to find out it cost just under £20 for 3 pieces of battered cod 😲.  Eating out has skyrocketed in price, we won't be doing that in a hurry again.  We got 3 pieces because Betty had one, she loves fish - we don't give her all of the batter though.  It was lovely I must say, despite the huge price.


  1. Yes the price of fish and chips has really gone up hasn't it, but as well as the fish being so much more expensive for them to buy the oil has shot up in price and firing up the fryer to cook everything really costs. In Llandudno a medium sized portion of chips is now £3.75 on it's own, if we get one between us and two small fish with a squeezy thing of mayo it come to just over £20. Definitely a treat for just every now and then ... and we're mean, the dogs don't get any fish they get a chip each when we've finished.

    Congratulations on the weight-loss , you're doing really well, you must feel so much better for it.

  2. Huge congratulations on the weight loss. I remember reading that 1 lb in weight (sorry, cannot do kilograms!) is equal to 3,500 calories.

    So if you can cut down by 500 calories per day you cannot help but lose a one pound each week.

    Hopefully it will work in reverse! I have lost so much over the past few years (not by choice I should add) that I am now "clinically underweight" (aargh) but trying to eat extra is not as easy as it might sound 😬 .

  3. Good news about the dentist. Here's hoping the treatment isn't too expensive! And well done on the weight loss. You must feel rightly proud of yourself. We haven't been to the chippy for years (and don't eat fish anyway) so I haven't a clue about the costs. I think, last time we went, a portion of chips was just over £1 - I suspect it's much more than that now! I hope your next trip to the caravan doesn't have to be cut short and you can enjoy and relax fully. xx

  4. I'm so glad he got an appointment - dental pain is the absolute pits.
    And congratulations of that weight loss. It isn't easy - don't I know - so be very proud of your achievement.
    The fish and chips sounds delicious and a real treat.


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