
Tuesday 8 August 2023

Off then, whatever the weather

 Not much sleep the past couple of nights, tossing and turning all night, too much on my mind probably.  It'll be better at the caravan, I generally sleep fairly well there - except if it's too hot through the night.  I'm up very early this morning, but that's no bother - got a couple of things to do before we go off.  I've just boiled half a dozen eggs, they'll do for lunches for the next couple of days, or if husband fancies a quick snack he can just grab one out of the fridge.

Just the chilled food to put in the cool box, and our medications to sort out - I've done mine, husband's will take a bit longer as he takes so many.  I've put the frozen food for next week in the top freezer drawer, so it's easily accessible for husband to bring back with him on Friday or Saturday (he may stay home overnight Friday, he's not made up his mind yet).  I've also put fresh clothes for both of us on my bed for next week, so he can bring those as well.  It's so handy living fairly close to the van, means we don't have to pack tons of stuff for a fortnight away, and we can easily pop home for a day when required.

I've got no real plans for the next fortnight, we'll just take each day as it comes.  Bearing in mind it's school hols, we definitely won't be going to any tourist places, and any shopping will be done first thing in the morning, whilst holidaymakers are having a lie in.  I'm just looking forward to 2 weeks of relaxation, catching up with friends, reading and crocheting.

The weather's dull and a bit showery for today and tomorrow, but a lovely day is forecast for Thursday.  Forecast is mixed for a few days after that, but there will be some sun and it won't be raining all the time.  We know there will be more fellow owners there, so husband will have pals to chat to.

I no longer take my laptop with me (still can't get the blimmin mifi thingy to connect, I know not why), not that it's a bother, I can access everything on my phone, although the wifi signal is a bit hit and miss.  And I can't comment on blogs on my phone, again not sure why.  I'll probably do the odd short blog post whilst we're away.  Have a good time, whatever you're going to be doing.


  1. Hope you have a wonderful break, restful, peaceful and just social enough 😊

  2. Don't worry about comments or posting...just go enjoy yourself!

  3. Don't worry about us, we'll still be here when you feel like posting! Just relax and enjoy your happy place. xx

  4. Hope you have a great couple of weeks, you've more than earned the right to a proper rest. I know what you mean about shopping early during the school holidays, I love the feeling of driving out of the supermarket car park just as all the cars full of screaming kids drive in. Gosh that sounds mean of me, but you know what I mean.

  5. Have a wonderful holiday, rest and rejuvenate.

    God bless.

  6. Have a wonderful and restful time, Sooze. We won't be going anywhere and will be here when you come back. xx


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