
Saturday 17 April 2021


 I got out of the shower this morning and grabbed the bath towel off the heated towel rail, opened it up....and there was an 8-legged thing on it (they're called eeks in our house, I can't even say the word, I have a pathological fear of them).  I dropped the towel on the floor and ran out of the bathroom naked and dripping everywhere, yelling for husband, who came upstairs to deal with it.  Unfortunately, he's so slow coming up the stairs nowadays, the thing had disappeared by the time he got in the bathroom.  So now I know there's one in there somewhere (probably loads actually) and I'll be thinking about that every time I go for a wee. πŸ˜’ Not a good start to the day!

Oddly enough, I don't mind them too much in the garden (although I wouldn't like one running over my foot) - I guess because it's their domain, not an enclosed space, and a much bigger area.  We do get quite a lot of them in our house though, in fact I feel like a nervous wreck sometimes in late summer when they all start appearing regularly - especially the big ones.  I'm just glad husband doesn't mind them and can deal with them, goodness knows what I'd be like if he wasn't around.  Betty will pounce on them and eat them if she sees one, which is just as gruesome.  Ones on the ceiling are the worst, as far as I'm concerned, the thought of one drop----oh I'm not even going to finish the sentence *shudders*.  I once saw the comedian Phill Jupitus do a stand up comedy routine on TV years ago, about a big 8-legged thing in his house - apparently he's scared of them too.  The story he told was clearly very exaggerated for comedy purposes, but it was just so exactly how I would feel that I was absolutely helpless with laughter, I could identify with every word he said.

And sorry to those of you who love all creatures and won't harm any of them - in our house husband whacks them....none of this putting the poor things outside - they'll only come back in again!  It's either me or them - and I'm more important, I cook his meals, wash his clothes, do all his admin, and remind him where he's put his house/car/garage/shed keys (as he always forgets).

It's a lovely day again, clear blue sky and sunshine, although still a bit chilly, not shorts weather yet.  Going to make an asparagus, leek and goats cheese quiche for lunch, using our own leeks and the first of our new year's asparagus.  Fish and chips for tea, from the freezer not the chippy - husband can do it to give me a break.


  1. I would be sat on the loo ready to run as well. In the garden I hate to see slugs, horrible things, hubby always removes them for me, I don't like snails but I can pick them up and throw them on the flat garage roof.

  2. I don't like the 8 legged things either, but some I can catch with my long handled fluffy duster thingy and shake outside. It's daft really because I can let a ladybird crawl over my hand, but slugs, snails, and long-legged things - no way! Good job we don't live in one of these countries where they're HUGE and venomous! xx

  3. OH MY DAYS!! I would have died and you have just brought back a similarly hideous memory that I might just go share on my blog! Haha
    A lovely foodie day ahead for you! Have a wonderful eek free Saturday! x

  4. As much as I hate spiders I could never kill one and I've been known to have one sat under a glass on the floor for a while until I pick up the courage to slide a piece of card under and take them outside, where I always apologise to them for putting them out where it's so much colder. But at least they have a chance out there.

    When my son Jason was little we had one of those spiders that squash themselves into the corner of the room and seem to just live there looking like a sultana, so to stop him being frightened of it we named it Sydney. It was there for weeks, being talked to every time we passed until one day just as we were going out it decided to run along the wall. Poor Jason screamed his little head off and said 'that's not a Sydney it's a spider kill it quick'. He still doesn't like spiders even if they have names!!

  5. Oh, no - what a rude awakening!! Hopefully it has run a mile and won't be back!

  6. I would have probably flicked the towel sending the eek! across the room. I'm not too bad with them as long as they're skinny. The fat hairy ones are a different story😬

  7. I cannot kill everything I have a little pot with a lid that I keep on my bedside table just in case a spider or insect comeslong especially bedtime, I always take them outside and let them go.
    Hazel c uk πŸŒˆπŸŒˆπŸ•·πŸ•·

  8. A huge spider used to live behind our loo. Every morning I would pick tiny flies off my plants and flick them into the web. I would rather a spider in my house than a fly.

  9. I did laugh at this tale Sooze, you told it in such a funny way. Even though we are those people who never hurt them I can appreciate how awful it is if you are scared. It starts young really I have told Scarlett constantly spiders are lovely and cute and now she thinks they are where as the children next door scream every time they see one and someone comes out to kill it.

  10. My sister is like you about them, I've had one living happily in my shower for years!


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