
Wednesday 7 April 2021

Helping myself

 My life feels like it's totally beyond my control at the moment.  It isn't, it's just the way I'm feeling, I am very depressed, owing to things I've been desperately upset by recently but which I can't do anything about.  And a lack of support from one source, which has really hurt me.

The one thing I can control though is my weight.  Having lost over a stone last year on the advice of my consultant prior to my bladder op, I then put most of it back on again - the 3rd lockdown, Christmas and worsening depression being my excuse....I'm a comfort eater.  Not that getting fatter is much comfort.  So my siblings and I have decided to form our own slimming group - we've all put on weight and want to get it off.  Starting today - been shopping early for healthy supplies.  Last night I sat and planned a week's meals.....I'm doing Pinch of Nom - for those who don't know, it's kind of loosely based on Slimming World and is how I lost the weight last year.  I have the books and there are some lovely recipes in them - in fact I don't think there's any I didn't like.  Husband really liked all the meals too (he's also wanting to lose the weight he's put on)....but then he's not really a fussy eater, he'll eat pretty much anything.

Thank you for the lovely comments on my flower pictures.  I wouldn't say I'm talented at all - it's just something I've found I really enjoy doing.  I just watch a youtube video or two, then get up some images of a particular flower and just go for it, copying the basic shape but putting my own interpretation on it.  It's amazing what we can do when we put our minds to it, and it helps a lot if we like it.  I think some of my drawings look quite amateurish - well, they are!  But it pleases me to do it.  My artist friend has given me lots of advice and encouragement.


  1. I'm sorry you're feeling depressed. I hope it soon lifts. Forming your own slimming club with your siblings is a good idea. You know you can lose weight so it should be easy. LOL! Glad you're enjoying your drawing adventure. You'll soon be able to sit in the garden and draw flowers from life. xx

  2. I think you have a talent for art and so nice that you are getting some support and advice to encourage you. I need to lose weight too, covid has made it easy for me to over eat.

  3. We love pinch of nom, not made anything we would not eat again, like you I put some weight back on so I'm looking to lose a stone in the next few months. Hubby and I have learnt to rely on ourselves, my younger daughter is a good support for us, but she has young children and another on the way. Family like yours are a long drive away, hope you can find a happy place soon.

  4. I am pleased you get on with you sibling and hope you can help each other lose weight, I have 2 sisters and 2 brothers and we all get on well even though they all live along wayaway but chat on the phone often especially now when I am so unhappy. I am sorry you are upset about something and if it helps to talk you are welcome to have my number/email. Keep well Sue.
    Hazel c uk ๐ŸŒˆ๐ŸŒˆ

  5. Unfortunately depression doesn’t help regarding weight but it’s good you are going to tackle the one thing you feel able to.

  6. As you know I've seen the film and got the T shirt when it comes to any support in my home life. You are wise to concentrate on what you can control. I have rejoined weight watchers despite being a Gold Member, as I have 6lb to get back into the zone. Now the nights are lighter and the weather will get warmer soon, it helps lift our moods. Keep up the art work its very good.

  7. That's a brilliant idea, forming a family support group. Good for you.

  8. That's a great idea, well done you on taking control of what you can control. So much is out of all of our hands at the moment regaining what we can is so vital for sanity.

  9. Hello Sue, I do read all your posts but mostly on my phone - which for some reason does not let me comment on people's posts. I don't know if you are a fan of spicy food or not - the Cajun dirty rice is one of my absolute favourite pinch of nom recipes and can recommend the BARTS cajun spice - nicely warming and flavoursome rather than tongue and lip burning - which I don't see the point of nor enjoy!

  10. Hi, Sooze. I hope the lack of posting means you're busy out and about, and not that you're feeling too low to post. Please know there are lots of people out here in blogland who are thinking of you. Hugs. xx

  11. Just to say hope you are okay.


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