
Monday 5 April 2021

Flower drawings

 Hazel, I'm so sorry to read about your son.  Thank you so much for all the other comments.

I've been drawing the last few days, it helps me to relax.  Flower pictures for my bedroom:-

Lilac - the colours look quite washed out here in the photo, more vibrant in real life.

More lavender.  Apologies for the window reflection on the photo, I've mounted the drawings on simple glass frames.

A lily, I like drawing lilies.  This one is a mixture of pencils and watercolour pens.  Again, sorry about the reflection from the window, I'm a bit rubbish at taking photos.


  1. I'm sorry to hear you e been feeling down. I hope you feel better soon. Hopefully the sunshine will return lifting our spirits and helping the flowers to bloom. Beautiful drawing Sooze.

  2. Thank you Sue for your kind words.
    I love your drawings and will be lovely for cards and pictures etc. You seem to have a natural flare for drawing, you will never need to buy a card again.
    Hazel c uk🌈🌈

  3. Beautiful drawings, you are really good at these. Pleased it is helping you to relax.

  4. So glad that drawing has helped you, and you have some lovely pictures for your walls - win, win! xx

  5. Gorgeous, I wish I had that talent , so good of you to share!

  6. They are such beautiful drawings, thank you for sharing. xx

  7. What a talent you have, beautiful artwork.


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