
Saturday 3 December 2022


 Betty is totally back to normal now (being her usual naughty self!), I'm glad to say.  Her toe only bothers her occasionally, she's not licking it all the time.  I guess the antibiotics and pain meds are working.

No fog this morning, which is was beginning to feel like the fog was permanent.  I've got washing to get out of the machine but debating whether or not to put it on the rain forecast but it's very cold and cloudy, I'm doubtful that it will dry on the line.  I might have to freeze the carrot cake I made for our neighbour with the birthday today, it seems she may have gone away for the weekend.  Good job I haven't yet iced it - I made the frosting last night but put it in the fridge rather than coating the cake then.  Oh, and using full fat branded soft cheese and proper block butter seems to have worked, the frosting isn't runny at all, just the right consistency.  The frosting will keep in the fridge for a few days.

Sue of A Smaller and Simpler Life has put on a link to a Christmas short film on her blog today......oh my word, it's a right tear jerker but so beautiful, do go and have a look (make sure you have a box of tissues handy).

Had my hair cut yesterday and it feels so much better.  I need to colour it at some point, I'm still not ready to embrace the grey fully.  It was odd watching Strictly last night, which means the results show is on tonight (bloody football throwing the schedules out), I must try not to forget!  I've got a little ulcer in my mouth which is stinging, think I've got some Bonjela.  And talking of not forgetting, I must remember to ring the Age UK lady to come and help me with the forms.  

This blog post is a mishmash of inconsequential little bits.....sorry, my mind is jumping around today and there's not much newsworthy stuff to talk about!


  1. Glad Betty's foot is better. I did loads of washing yesterday (where does it all come from, there's only two of us!) and now have damp washing on the airer in the spare bedroom. I hate winter for many reasons, washing being one of them! Oh, Sooze, that video. You were right about needing the tissues. I use Frador on mouth ulcers. It stings a bit when you first put it on, but then forms a barrier which stops the ulcer form hurting and helps it heal. I find Bonjela tastes nice, but doesn't help my mouth ulcers! xx

  2. Football is only every four years, but it's not so big in US, so haven't seen any disruption. I'm glad Betty is better. The naughty is almost a relief.

  3. I'm glad Betty's foot is on the mend. I had to remind my Mum about them moving Strictly around, she would be mortified if she missed the show and the results. I'm just mortified at all the bloody sport on the tele all the time and TWO more weeks of football to go!!

  4. Isn't it lovely when a beloved dog gets the 'naughty' back . . . you know they are feeling so much better. I quite like watching a decent game of football but I'm heartily sick of this flippin' World Cup disrupting all the regular programmes. (Actually, I now prefer the Lionesses - brilliant players but without the histrionics and play-acting of the men's matches.)
    Off to see Sue's film now > > > > > > thanks for the tip-off.

  5. So glad Betty's foot isn't bothering her now....I know how that makes me feel when Gemma is hurting and can't tell me what is wrong.
    Eternal fog, bad enough when it is only occasional.
    Glad your hair cut makes you feel better. Do what makes you feel good about the color.


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