
Wednesday 21 December 2022

Bloody virus, and a catch up

 Thank you for all the lovely messages, I really appreciate them.

Although I wasn't up to posting, I did keep some diary entries about a few notable, or even mundane and frankly boring, events and days.  So here are some brief snippets of life during the past couple of weeks:-

Monday 12/12 - I finally finished the bloody awful AA form.....that's 5 or 6 hours of my life I'll never get back.  Husband took it to the Post Office to send it 1st Class Signed For - given the postal strikes, he was told they couldn't guarantee next day delivery but would do their best.  But at least we know it'll be signed for on delivery, so provides proof of receipt.

Tues 13/12 - A baking for the freezer day.  I made sausage rolls, a salmon pie (pastry base and herby crumble topping) and salmon fishcakes.  Also prepped a trayful of pigs in blankets and froze them uncooked.  Husband had a cold (just a normal cold, thankfully nothing worse) and felt unwell, so spent all morning in bed, leaving me free to get on in peace.  I finished writing all the hand-delivery cards and wrapped presents.

Weds/Thurs 14/15th - Did nothing much, other than washing and microwave cooking homemade meals out of the freezer.  I managed to avoid catching husband's cold, but he was feeling quite poorly with it and spent a lot of time in bed.  The cold weather was really affecting my hips and knees, I was in agony, and not sleeping much because of the pain.  Think both of us are run down, so a couple of days resting should do us both good.

Fri 16th - Husband said he was starting to feel better - still very obviously full of cold but he looked better.  I've not caught it yet, fighting it off by swallowing handfuls of Vit C and zinc tabs, and having plenty of hot drinks.  We've had the heating on virtually all the time....well, we don't have it on husband was feeling the cold, especially as he wasn't moving around much.  I'd slept well and felt revived.  Did some washing and tidying up, made a smoked haddock and king prawn chowder for dinner.  Got out a half-finished crochet shawl I'd been making for my friend a couple of years ago...sadly she died before I could finish it and I just didn't have the heart to carry on.  I do like the colours though so I'll finish it for myself.

Sat 17th - I finally succumbed to the lurgy - hardly surprising when husband is totally indiscriminate about where and how he coughs and sneezes 🤬.  Normally I don't give in to colds etc - well someone (me) has to get on with everything!  But this time I thought sod it, I'm going back to bed.  So I did....but then got back up after an hour, staying in bed is just not me.  Didn't do a lot though, only what was necessary.  

Sun/Mon 18/19 - pretty much a repeat of Saturday, except I felt worse, very sore throat, blinding headache exacerbated by coughing, and no energy so I didn't even get dressed.  Husband is feeling better, although has a terrible hacking cough.  One thing is apparent - if I'm not around, nothing gets done.  I spent most of the time upstairs in my recliner armchair reading, crocheting or dozing, husband apparently did nothing.  He does do stuff nowadays if I ask him to, and generally without complaining, but if I don't actually ask him, he won't do anything of his own accord.  One good thing - Mon morning had a text to say Attendance Allowance form received and we will get a decision within 8 weeks.  I sincerely hope it's positive, I really need some good news.  It's been a very hard few months and I've never felt so low for so long before.  It's soul-destroying to keep feeling like I'm banging my head against a brick wall all the time.  I'm so worn out with struggling.

Tues 20th - Spent half the night sitting in my recliner chair - when lying down in bed I couldn't breathe, at least I could be propped up but still comfortable in the recliner.  Despite that, I did feel a bit better this morning, apart from a tight chest and headache due to all the coughing.  However, come the evening I felt really rough again and had an early night.  Had our pet insurance renewal in - it's gone up a staggering 25% on last year, and we haven't even made a claim!  So I got some comparison quotes and found a policy with very similar benefits, lower excess and it's just over half the cost of our present insurance - prior to the renewal increase.  So I've taken that one out and cancelled the greedy present one.  Means Betty's ongoing ear infections won't be covered, but we never claimed on the insurance for them anyway, as the cost generally came to less than the excess.

Weds 21st - It's the Winter Solstice today, which makes me happy - the shortest day and from now on, albeit slowly, the days get a bit longer.  It signals the gradual approach of Spring for me, my favourite season of the year.  I'm feeling even rougher today so have gone back to bed.  Bloody virus.

Wishing every one of you a very Happy Christmas, whatever you're doing - I hope it's everything you want it to be.  I'll be back sometime after Christmas.


  1. I have missed you..
    Feel better…we are all under the weather…good luck with the new place to live…Merry Christmas…one of my favorite blogs…prayers

  2. Lovely to see your post, but sorry you've both had the lurgy. Good that the AA form has arrived and fingers crossed for success! Wishing you, him and Betty a lovely, restful and peaceful Christmas and hoping 2023 brings good things. xx

  3. I have the same, daughter shared her bugs with me, hope you feel better soon.

  4. Glad to see you....:). Oh my , look at that hair....wait ..that's mine. ;)
    Hope the health improves quickly and good wishes on the AA app.
    Take care of yourself.

  5. So sorry to read that you've had the horrible lurgy - it seems to be spreading all around the country. I hope you feel better very soon and are able to enjoy a lovely Christmas.
    Everything crossed for a favourable decision on the Attendance Allowance and that it doesn't take all those weeks before you have your answer.

  6. That darn bug is rotten isn't it. Hope you're over it now.I'm sure your hubby and mine are twins. Have a smashing Christmas. X

  7. I hope you are feeling better and would just like to wish you a Happy Christmas and New Year xx


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