
Thursday 27 June 2024

A stranger

 I know husband didn't choose this.  Nor did I, come to that.  Our marriage vows were for better, for worse, richer or poorer, in sickness and in health - and of course I will honour that.  But I'm living with someone else now, someone who is often a stranger to me - the man I married 41 years ago, who made me laugh all the time, who was kindness itself and so helpful, not just to me but to everyone, who was so laid back nothing fazed him, who almost never got angry about anything, who was very affectionate and frequently bought me flowers, is long gone.  And that's hard, and upsetting.

I'm sure he does get frustrated and angry with himself, in fact I know he does.  But I get the brunt of that, he doesn't take his frustrations out on anyone else, albeit being a bit abrupt with people sometimes. 

Thank you for all the comments, I appreciate them a lot.

It was very hot yesterday, outside anyway.  I was pleased to find that it was quite a bit cooler inside the bungalow, very pleasant actually.  Our last house used to get stiflingly hot, especially at the front of the house, which was south facing.  All the veg plants are putting a spurt on now, they were all very slow to start, we've had several green courgettes and the yellow ones are almost ready.  Lots of mini cucumbers, tomato plants loaded with flowers.  I'll pull some carrots today, I'm pretty sure they must be ready.  It's so nice to have our own home grown produce.


  1. I can't imagine how hard it is for you. I wish I could do something to help. If I lived close enough, I'd take you for a coffee and we could put the world (well, our own little world) to rights. ☕ 😄
    How lovely to be harvesting your own produce. Now the weather has finally decided it's summer, you should be overrun with veggies! xx

  2. Oh Yes, Sooze, you could have almost described mine too ... I now buy a selection of Birthday, Christmas, Valentine's cards for him to choose and use for me.

  3. The personality changes are the worst thing to have to deal with, IMHO. So upsetting, you have my sympathy.

  4. It's an awful situation Sooze and I feel so sad for you both.

  5. Once again all I can do is send you virtual hugs across the ocean. How wonderful that your garden is producing.

    God bless.

  6. Hi Sooze, lovely to see that you are still here, I've been lost for far too long. I am happy to see that you have a lovely new home and hope that you get good days to help you deal with the bad ones.


Thank you for comments, however please note that rude ones won't be published. Nor will anonymous ones now.