
Wednesday 28 October 2020

Getting better slowly

 Thank you for all the comments, I am getting a little better every day.  I still feel like I've been in a rugby scrum, my limbs all feel very heavy, all my joints ache, brain feels like it's stuffed with a mixture of cotton wool and treacle.  And I'm so emotional, for some reason the slightest thing has me weeping, sometimes for no reason.  I've been trying to get a few things done, just a little bit of housework, loading the washing machine and tumble dryer, making a cottage pie and soup to last a few days....just normal stuff, nothing strenuous.  Even this wears me out though, I do it in the morning then have to go and lie down in the afternoon.

Husband has to have another Covid test today - hospital policy, he must have one 3 days before his operation, they're sending someone round to do it here this afternoon apparently.  He also has to go to the dentist tomorrow to have a loose tooth out - the pre-op nurse said he must have it done before the op, because of the danger of the tooth being knocked out by the ventilator tube and him possibly swallowing it or bleeding causing him to choke 😳.  I guess they know best, the tooth has been giving him a lot of trouble for a while anyway.  He had the third degree from the dentist on the phone first though, before he would agree to do the extraction, they're only doing emergencies.

Don't we all wish this year just hadn't happened?  What a waste of a if we've got years to waste when we're getting older.  But we've been lucky, we haven't died, our relatives who've had the virus (including husband's brother, Sil and nephew, recently) have all recovered, and, being retired, we haven't really been financially affected, although people close to us have.  I'm really missing my friends and family even more now.  Will things ever get back to normal?


  1. You'll just have to take things easy for as long as it takes. Mind you, by the sounds of it, your body won't let you do much else. This year has been a real washout. It's getting hard to remember a time before masks and social distancing. I hope that time returns soon. Poor hubby, Covid tests, tooth extraction and then his op. He'll be glad to get the next few days out of the way, then you can both recover together. Everything (bad) comes at once! Hugs. xx

  2. I think you’re doing the right thing by doing bits and pieces in the morning and taking it easy in the afternoon. Hope hubby’s tooth extraction goes ok tomorrow and then obviously his op in a few days time xx

  3. Hang on in there. Good luck to him outdoors.

  4. I hope you are sitting down with a nice cup of tea and a good book every afternoon Sooze. No point in wearing yourself out with stuff that can wait for another day/week. This year has been an awful one for so many people hasn't it. I thank my lucky stars that we are financially secure. My heart aches for the young folk with families and mortgages. They must be beside themselves with worry. Hope that tooth extraction goes ok and the op goes ahead. Then with a bit of luck you can both settle down for a while without hospitals and doctors.

  5. Good to hear you are improving slowly and things moving along with your OH. Wishing you both well

  6. Glad you are improving.
    I think we are all over being kept in place or limited. Won't ever take being free to go as I please ever again.

  7. SO glad things are continuing to improve. I'm also glad that everything seems to be falling into place at last. Thinking of you over the next week or so - you and 'im! xx

  8. I'm glad to hear you are improving although it sounds like a slow improvement. Take your time with everything, but it seems like you know your own limits and are being careful. Poor hubby, tooth extraction and then an operation, the sooner it's all over and done with the better.


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