
Friday 23 October 2020

Is it?

It's been a stressful few days.  Husband and I have been sleeping in separate rooms and trying to keep our distance, as he's self isolating leading up to his operation on the 31st.  Not entirely easy or successful when you live in a small house(!) but we've done our best.

Monday during the night I didn't feel very well and hardly slept at all.  Throughout the day on Tuesday I felt and feverish, coughing and with a much reduced sense of taste and smell, it all came on quite rapidly.  By the afternoon I was wondering if it could be the dreaded Covid, so went online to the NHS Covid website, did the questionnaire and ordered tests for myself and husband.  They arrived early afternoon on Wednesday - very quick - we did them (not pleasant, made me cough even more) and despatched them as per instructions in the kit.

I've swung between feeling sort of alright, and feeling really ill ever since.  Husband feels fine, he has no symptoms at all, thankfully.  Waiting for the results is incredibly stressful.  I don't feel at all well this morning.


  1. Oh, Sooze! You've been very careful, so hopefully it's not Covid, just a nasty bug. Waiting must be awful, but you did the right thing getting tested. Wishing for a negative result for you. Hugs. xxx

  2. Oh no - that's not good. And you had been avoiding going anywhere that you were likely to get it. Hope it isn't.

  3. Oh my goodness Sooze. That is another worry for you. Hopefully it will be negative and you will jest need a few days rest. It's the time of year for coughs and colds and we are all going to worry every time we have a sniffle or raised temperature.

  4. Oh no!! Hope it's not Covid but at least the test kits came quickly. Fingers crossed its negative and you feel better soon. xx

  5. I hope you get your results quickly it's worrying, I have hardly been out, my Daughter is the only one been in the house and she is tested every week because of the wirk she does. Fortunately I am happy at home and enjoy me hobbies and garden.
    Hazel c uk 🌈

  6. I have everything crossed your test is negative, the waiting is the worse part.

  7. And you've been so careful too :-(

    You did exactly the right thing in getting tests done and sent off, fingers crossed that everything is okay for you.

  8. Keeping fingers crossed. So easy to catch things even when being ultra careful:(

  9. Hope all is well and results come soon.

  10. I totally missed this one, really sorry. I've seen the other post, that it is OK. Thank goodness, although I'm sorry you are feeling so very rough, of course.
    Much love heading your way. xx


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