
Friday 11 December 2020

Doing our own thing

 Lockdown hasn't been good for lots of us, and with our current Tier 2 restrictions it's not much different really, it's just lockdown by another name, we still can't visit friends or family or have them come to us.  Ok, so shops are open, but I don't much like going in them and have only been a couple of times in the past few weeks.  Lockdown has been even longer for us personally, due to us having to self isolate for 2 weeks prior to husband's operation...well, only he had to self isolate but obviously it more or less meant I had to also.  Since his op, his incapacity has meant we've been thrown together 24/7.  As we normally spend a fair bit of time apart, when he's out gardening or doing jobs for people, it's been difficult for both of us to adjust.

I think some time apart will do us both good - just short periods, I don't mean a trial separation, that's not on the cards at all.  So in the new year, when restrictions are lifted, I intend to go and stay with my brother and sister in law in Cornwall for a few days (they are aware, I'm not just going to turn up on their doorstep!).  I shall be making it a regular thing, every couple of months or so, having a few days away on my own whilst husband stays home with Betty.  In between my trips, husband can have a few trips of his own, going up to stay with his daughter in the Midlands, leaving me and the dog at home...although I have a very good relationship with his daughter, she'll be delighted to have her Dad to herself for a few days.  I think this will work well for both of us, giving us space and time to see relatives and do our own thing.


  1. I was reading an article that basically said that this year has been a strain for relationships partly because in a good relationship the quality of the time you spend away from each other is, arguably, as important as the quality of the time you spend together. I agree with that.
    Also, I think some time on his own will give him a renewed appreciation of just how much you do to make his life easier/better/less stressful. And the other way round too, of course.
    And it will open up your worlds again.

  2. Echoing what Joy said. We all need a bit of time for ourselves, and if you find a way that works for you - go for it. xx

  3. It works well for us, for the last few years I've been holidaying on my own, with a group, whilst OH is staying home looking after the cat. He doesn't share my interest in birds and he is not keen in going away anymore.

  4. I hope it works out for you both and try and find a hobby you can enjoy.
    Hazel c uk 🌈🌈🌈

  5. That sounds like a great idea. It's very rare that families get to spend time alone with their own offspring/parents. I think everyone should try to spend at least an hour or two, now and then, on their own with their own flesh and blood.

  6. That sounds like a very good plan.

    As you know me and Alan spend loads of time apart but seeing as that's how that was when we first met and for the first few years of our marriage when he worked away for four days of every week, it just seems that this way suits us both just fine. We all have to find the right thing for ourselves.

  7. After reading this post, it struck me that with the advent of vaccinations, we can actually see a light at the end of that horrible, dark Covid tunnel so that we can make plans for a future where we once more have freedom to travel and be with family & friends. Isn't it wonderful?

  8. Cha hit on a very good idea here. Bet more of us will do it too.

  9. I am thrilled you are planning ahead and making plans, there have been so many disappointments this year so it is nice to be able to.

  10. great idea, and good to be planning something too!


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