
Thursday 3 December 2020

Fog lifting

 Two things happened yesterday which lifted my spirits.

Firstly, an unexpected dog walk with my best friend, who I don't see nearly enough of due to Covid and just general life stuff.  It was chilly and fairly short, but really nice.  We went to the Marshes nature reserve, which I haven't been able to get to since before husband's operation.  Betty enjoyed running up and down the long paths and rolling around in the long grass verges, and I enjoyed the brief catch up with my friend.

Then in the evening we had a family quiz, organised by my sister, on WhatsApp video, I'd forgotten all about it and had to be reminded.  It was so good for us siblings (my 2 brothers and my sister) and spouses to be able to get together, albeit on computer, for an hour and a half, we haven't all been together since just after mum's funeral.  The quiz part turned out to be hilarious, we were in stitches half the time.  Then we just sat and chatted for a while.  We've agreed to make it a regular thing, taking it in turns to be quizmaster.

This afternoon I'm going to the GP, for the results of my hip x-ray.  I am a bit concerned about it....I don't know why he wants to see me, in view of the covid restrictions meaning that most consultations are done by phone.  If it was just to say that the x-ray shows I definitely have arthritis, then he could tell me that on the phone, but he specifically asked to see me in surgery.  Still, I'll find out soon enough, I might be worrying about nothing.

Thank you so much for all the supportive comments, they really moved me.  The depression is beginning to lift, although the Tier 2 thing is getting me down - it's just lockdown by another name, we still can't visit people or have hugs.  I am cheered by the thought of the vaccine though, husband and I will certainly have it as soon as we can.


  1. Sounds like you had a good time with your friend and family. Hopefully the vaccines will mean we can finally get out of this awful time and get back to some sort of normality. I know it's not a quick fix, but at least there is light at the end of the tunnel. I hope the Dr's visit goes OK. They sometimes want to see you face to face just to check you over again, or to explain in detail what's wrong and your options for treatment. Hugs. xx

  2. I'm stuck in Tier 3, so Tier 2 would be lovely from my point of view, I guess it's all just the way it is. At least our street market is back on today and the shops are open again, it's been a quiet few weeks without them.

    I'm so glad you're feeling a touch better. Build on it slowly and don't expect too much all at once. Good luck at the doctors. xx

  3. Pleased the black dog is lifting Sooze. Hope the hip result is what you expected.

  4. I'm so pleased to hear you are feeling brighter and that quiz sounds fun.
    Hope the doctor thing goes OK

  5. A friend, fresh air, a dog walk. Doctors do prescribe those things for depression , don't they? ;) I would.

  6. That walk with your friend sounds just the tonic you needed. I am so pleased that you are feeling a little brighter.

  7. Hope the doctor just wanted to give you some good news and some magic medicine. the dog walk sounded perfect and a good giggle certainly lifts the spirits!

  8. PLeased you've been able to get out and enjoy some time with a friend. Hope the doctor's appointment went well. Hugs x


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