
Thursday 10 December 2020

Small changes and some plans

 I've done a fair bit of baking the last couple of days....3 dozen sausage rolls, 2 dozen mince pies, most of which have gone in the freezer.  Also a couple of cheese, onion and tomato pasties using leftover pastry (we had those for lunch yesterday), and a cake.  I used to make cakes twice a week when husband worked, for him and a workmate...since he retired 3 years ago I don't make them so often.  I don't often eat cake at home, partly because of my diabetes, partly due to making cakes that husband likes, but I'm not very fond of.  He likes bread pudding and fruit cakes, any kind really, so long as they don't have nuts in.  I'm not keen on fruit cake and certainly not bread pudding, and I do like nuts in cakes!  The cake I've made is a chocolate orange cake....yummy!  Husband isn't so enamoured of it though.  I'm not going to be regularly making cakes I like but he doesn't - coffee & walnut, lemon & blueberry, Bakewell tart, chocolate hazelnut brownies - because it won't suit my diet.  But I will occasionally make one that I like, for a change, rather than just what he likes.

Once husband retired, I'd looked forward to us spending more time together, having days out, long walks in woods or countryside with the dog, picnics on the beach, exploring little towns and villages here in Somerset (it's a big county and we've not seen all of it), or further afield in neighbouring counties.  Or just browsing round a garden centre and having a drink in their coffee shops, and going to lots of local car boot sales.  I was hoping for trips out 2 or 3 times a week.  Well, that's not really happened, we've had trips out certainly, but nothing like as many as I'd hoped, once every 2 or 3 weeks if I've been lucky.  Car boot visits have been a rarity, I could count on the fingers of one hand the number of times we've been to one in the last couple of years....obviously this year has been a washout for that.

Since husband retired, he's taken to doing gardening and odd jobs for friends and neighbours...during spring, summer and autumn he's out several times a week, sometimes for a couple of hours, sometimes most of the day, although he does usually come home for lunch.  Which means I'm stuck home alone with the dog, apart from walking her in the field.  To be fair, car maintenance has been a bit of a problem sometimes, necessitating expensive repairs a few times, and husband's prostate and bladder problems did stop us from going out sometimes last year, until his doctors finally got it under control.  Well, I've decided that I'm not going to continue in the same vein, being confined to barracks twiddling my thumbs more or less, whilst husband's out doing what he wants.  I wouldn't stop him doing what he likes doing, but I'm going to start doing things I like too....things like going to the Walled Gardens in the village (lovely gardens open to visitors, not very large but pretty, with glasshouses and a nice little cafe).  Or the Marshes nature reserve, miles of walks there - no cafe but I've bought myself a little backpack big enough to hold my small flask, sandwich and a book.  Or the town - not huge and not my favourite place, but it'll be nice to have a browse round the shops on my own, something I rarely - well, never - get to do.  All these are things for next year, of course, husband can drop me off, go off and do his jobs, then pick me up later.

I'm also going to investigate what courses are available at the local college....I quite fancy doing something arty or crafty, like pottery or jewellery making or papercraft.  I might see if there are any local groups who go on coach trips to cathedrals, gardens or manor houses...none of which husband is that keen on, but I am.

So there are a few of my plans.  I'd still like days out with husband, but if he's going to continue to be too busy next year, I shall do my own thing.


  1. I hope that your plans come to pass. I find that days slip past. I thinks the answer is to write a schedule with alternatives for inclement weather and stick to it. Let us hope that we will be in a position to make plans. It might be worthwhile investigating if you have a local U3A.

  2. Sounds like a good plan.I'm sure you'll find some like-minded people to spend some time with. You never know, it might spur your husband into a few changes too! xx

  3. Plans made sometimes just don't materialise do they, we are both victims of that!! But saying that unlike victims we have both done or are planning to do something about it and THAT is what really matters. I hope you can follow your plans through.

    Have you ever thought of dividing your cake mixture in half and making two half cakes or two 1lb loaf style cakes instead of one larger one? That way you could put things hubby likes in his half and go wild with things you love in the other.

    I often make a half cake as there are just the two of us. Using one sandwich tin and then cutting it in half before putting jam in the middle and frosting on top.

  4. It sounds like you have got some good ideas to pass your time way and it's good that other people have some good ideas to for you to do. Maybe when the virus settles down and we can go out better you could do some chartiy work (which is airways needed) I worked for 20 years in a charity shop on Saturdays and worked in the Flower Market for a Secretary on weekdays 6.00 am to 1.0pm so I was never bored.
    It's good that at least you are thinking about changing different things to do.
    Hazel c uk ������

  5. When you make your cakes, make cup cakes not a big cake, you can freeze some and soon you will have a mixture of what you like. I love the walled gardens, we must meet up when I'm down in Somerset next year.

  6. That sounds like a great plan Sooze. It will be nice for you to have things to talk about with your hubby when you've had a day out. I was planning a fish and chip trip to Whitby on the train just before the first lockdown. As soon as this virus is under control I full intend to do just that. The train station is literally around the corner from my house and very useful for popping into town.

  7. It's good to have plans, go for it.

  8. are young...I finished college in forties and got Master degree almost 60...then almost a doctorate. Retired after 18 1/2 years teaching age 66 or so. My daughter said to me that if her mom can go to England age 60 plus two times (with numerous health problems) anyone can do it. I would suggest as many have that when things settle you get that drivers license...take some classes...I pray for a vaccine so I can see family as I get ready for my 31st move...also if not a license move to a are amazing and your blog is almost a book...

  9. Sounds like a lot of thought has gone into your plans, good for you. I hope it all goes to plan and that you manage to have some great days out. The library is a good place to find local information for groups and classes.

  10. Good to have plans - fingers crossed for you putting everything into place to carry them out

  11. Covid has put the big kabosh on lots of our coming and going as we pleased.
    Sounds like my plans, doing the things you like ...sounds like my list. AND more napping. :)

  12. Good for you to be thinking about doing stuff on your own. I had the same sort of expectations with my husband but trips out never seemed to happen due to his psoriatic arthritis or other commitments and going on my own just didn't seem the same. I'd looked forward to doing things together but it rarely happens. It needs a whole shift of attitude to plan and enjoy solo activities. I'd hoped when we moved to establish my own group of friends, quite a challenge when I'm a natural loner for most of the time, but of course covid put paid to that. I'm just blessed that the beach is outside my window and I go for a walk most days. I look forward to hearing about your change to 'solo trips/activities' as I attempt to do the same. I think it's a lot to do with a change of mindset. Good luck.


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