
Wednesday 23 December 2020

Temporary shut down

 I'm closing the blog until after Christmas, possibly until new year, will see how I feel.

This is a bad time of year for me, as you know....well, even worse this year with the covid situation meaning we can't go anywhere or see our loved ones, of course it's the same for everyone.

My siblings and I have decided we'll try and post only funny memories of mum (there are loads, especially unintentionally funny ones, mum was a bit of a character) on our family WhatsApp group today and tomorrow.  

The rumours of another national lockdown, possibly starting on Boxing day, are depressing me....I know it's probably necessary to try and contain this new variant.  But on a personal level, I'm just worried it'll postpone my operation yet again.

Thank you to everyone for reading, commenting and supporting me over the past year.  I hope you all have the best Christmas you can under the circumstances, and here's to a better new year for all of us, with an effective vaccine for those who want it - I do.  Love and best wishes to you all xxx


  1. I hope you will be a lot happier in 2021 there is a lot worse of in this world.
    Hazel c uk 🌈🌈🎅

    1. I am sorry Sue I forget to say hope you and your husband have a nice Christmas.
      Hazel c uk 🌻🌻🌻

  2. And Happy Christmas to you too, hoping your hospital plans and everything else goes much better in 2021

  3. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. I hope all goes well for you.

  4. Wishing you and yours all the very best for Christmas and the New Year. This year it will simply have to be what we make of it and hopefully you can make it as peaceful and as gentle as possible for yourself.

    Thinking of you and wishing you all the very best until we hear from you again. xx

    2021 will be a good year, well it will put 2020 into the shade one way or another!!

  5. I hope you have a happy Christmas, and that 2021 is better for all of us. Take care, Sooze. xx

  6. Have a lovely Christmas, Sooze. It won't be the same but it can still be lovely.
    We're pretty much in lockdown here anyway, in tier four.
    Here's to a much better, much happier 2021 for us all.

  7. Have the best Christmas you can Sooze. Look after yourself. x

  8. Don't forget ...sending big hugs and understanding your way.
    Come back here....I wasn't finished hugging you! ;)

  9. Wishing you a gentle Christmas and a hopeful new year. Christmas blessings x

  10. Happy Christmas x look after yourself. Here's to a better 2021 😀

  11. Wishing you all the best and fingers crossed surgery is early next year for you. Hugs.


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