
Thursday 7 January 2021

Fingers crossed

 Really hard frost this morning, looked lovely but I was glad I didn't have to go out in it.  Husband was well wrapped up when he took Betty in the field behind us, she kept warm charging around, she does love being off the lead.  For the past hour or so it's been thick fog, can't see the field at all now.  Lockdown doesn't seem so bad right now!

I've had text confirmation this morning of my pre-op covid test at the local community hospital on Sunday, so it looks like my operation is still going ahead, thankfully.  It could still be cancelled between now and then, of course, so I won't be absolutely sure until the day.

Husband is 70 tomorrow....doesn't seem possible, he was 30 when I met him!  Rather than struggle to buy him something, I've just given him money to get something for himself that he really wants.  He's not decided yet, but there's no rush.  I'd ordered him a rib eye steak in the shopping, they were out of stock so sent fillet instead...he's not complaining!  He'll cook it himself, that's one thing he's quite competent at.  He always wants steak for his birthday, I'm not that keen on it, would rather have fish.  I also got a lemon mascarpone tart as a dessert treat, and will make him a cooked breakfast.  He had his mole removal yesterday, they'll be sending it off for analysis, although they said they don't think it's cancerous but best to be sure.


  1. There was heavy frost here this morning too, but no fog. Hibernation seems like a good idea! Sounds promising for your op. I hope it does go ahead, because the way things are going, who knows when it will be, otherwise. Happy birthday to your hubby for tomorrow. It's funny how you can go to bed aged 23 and wake up aged 60+. Still, age is just a number, or that's what I tell myself. My body doesn't always agree though! xx

  2. Happy birthday to your hubby, mine is 73 this year, where did the years go. I will keep everything crossed your op is done next week. My brother said to me the fog was bad all day in cannington, its just cold and dull here.

  3. No frost here but one on the cards for tonight. It's still very cold. Enjoy the birthday meal. I still have my fingers crossed that your op goes ahead.

  4. Happy birthday to your hubby. Mine was 70 on Tuesday. We met when he was 29 - not sure how I feel about being married to a 70 year old!

  5. It's been a lovely day here for a change. It's all set to change tomorrow so I made the most of it by getting out in the garden and just pottering. Hope your hubby has a lovely birthday tomorrow. x

  6. Sounds like quite the Birthday meal, wishing hubby a good day. Hope your op still goes ahead and that all goes well.

  7. Happy Birthday to your hubby, Sooze, hope he has a lovely day. We haven’t had the fog in Exeter, just very chilly!


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