
Sunday 3 January 2021


 I've decided that when I have a bad day (by that I mean mainly when I've had a bad day emotionally, for whatever reason), I won't be writing a blog post that day (so expect lots of gaps!!).  The bad days happen, quite a lot at the moment, but I don't want to focus on the negativity.  I'm getting zero help or understanding from those close to me right now, so I'm not going to ask, I'm building a buffer around myself and getting on with things alone.  I'm the only person I can rely on, I know that now.

Yesterday was a bad one, very bad actually, for several reasons.  But that was yesterday.  I slept remarkably well last night, considering just how awful I felt yesterday - having enough sleep instantly makes me feel better.  

There's increasing talk of a possible national lockdown coming again...well, I've been more or less in lockdown for weeks now so it won't make much difference to me.

However, the worsening Covid situation has thrown the tentative plans I'd made out of the window.  The worst thing of all is that I'd planned on going away for a week following my week's recuperation from my op - well I can't do that now.  That's a real blow, I desperately need that week away and was counting on it to get my head together and get perspective on things from a distance.  Well, I can't go and that's that, I'll just have to muddle through until I can go.  I am beginning to formulate other plans in my head, nothing can be set in stone though until the covid situation eases.

I know this blog post won't make a lot of sense to anyone else...sorry about that, but it helps to make things clearer to me, which is the point of me writing a blog - I write it for me.

I'm going to be busy today, I'll write about it tomorrow (unless it turns out to be another bad day!) 😉


  1. Sorry you're having a bad time at the moment and Covid doesn't help. I hope you can formulate some plans, even if they have to be put on hold for a time. I'm glad writing things down helps. We're here for you if and when you want to share. I just wish I could meet you for a coffee, a chat and a laugh. It'd do us both good. xx

    1. Do you live near? I'm assuming not. If you'd rather not tell everyone that's fine, I won't publish it. Or you can email me, see my profile page. Xx

  2. Blogs are for talking out issues and problems as well as other stuff so go ahead. The bottom line, I guess, is does it help in some way.
    Tier four is pretty much lockdown anyway so it won't make an awful lot of difference to me either. I'm just so sorry that your plans are now on lockdown for a while too. Lots of love to you

    1. Thanks Joy, it's a shame we live on opposite sides of the country! Xx

  3. Hi Sooze - I popped over to wish you a Happier New Year and hope things get a little better for you as I see it has all been a very difficult time for the most part. We have been in tier 3 for so long now our way of life with these tight restrictions have become a new normal and I suspect we will all be going into tier 4 soon as the variant rampages across the country.
    Social contact is a very precious thing and hopefully we will all see our friends and families again soon for a good natter, until then a blog is a good place to get frustrations and problems out of our heads. Sending love xx

  4. I’m glad you are starting to think things through even if you can’t get away to do so. We only have one life and need to live it (eventually), with or without company, especially if they are causing the negativity.

  5. I wish I good help you Sue I was reading about how to have a contented life about from a few blog readers and was interesting, life is not easy for so many of us but we get by and try and make the best of the good days, I think how lucky I am to have a little home, health coukd be better but at least I am not in hospital or care home, i can walk a little and look after myself most of the time. Look after the good things in life and hope things get better for you.
    Hazel c uk 🌈🌈🌈

  6. I wish I could do more to help. There are almost 200 miles between us so I'm afraid meeting for a coffee is out of the question. All I can suggest is to stop reading and watching any and all kinds of news. No tele, no radio, no internet. Switch off. Try and fill your time doing something you enjoy. I wish you well.

  7. Sooze. Do you have wattsapp on your phone? If you do and fancy a video call with me leave your number as a comment on my blog. I obviously won't post it on my blog. If not, please just keep on hanging on. We bloggers are all holding your hand. You are not going through this on your own.

  8. Covid is making the simplest of things harder. Writing your blog is obviously helping so carry on regardless. I know how you feel, I'm in a very similar situation with no support and zero respect. Lockdown is making progress difficult but for me too but cling on to the fact that things will get better. You'll feel so much better after your op and that will give you strength. Furthermore, you will be able to get away in the future for a much needed break.

  9. Sleep seems to be the key to feeling better in all ways.
    So get it with tablets if need be. I use part a tablet to get me to sleep and then sleep soundly after that.
    Your plans are only on hold maybe for a getaway. Time will come.

  10. We are all here for you. I sure wish I could do more. Hugs and love.

  11. Makes perfect sense to me

  12. I find writing things down helps me.

    Julie xxxxxx

  13. hope you manage to get the space to think things through, if writing helps carrying on blogging it, do what ever helps in this crazy time..

  14. I think the hardest thing at the moment is all the uncertainty, nothing can be planned and we don't know what the future holds. Plans are in disarray and we don't know when we'll be able to make them again. It's very hard when you're not getting any support from those nearest to you, I think this is where blog friends can definitely help, and writing things down is a good thing too, it helps to get things off your chest.


Thank you for comments, however please note that rude ones won't be published. Nor will anonymous ones now.