
Monday 19 April 2021

Nice weekend - picture added

 It was a lovely weekend, plenty of warm sunshine.  Not so lovely for the Royal Family, of course - I watched the funeral coverage with tears in my eyes, not only for the sight of the Queen looking so lost and small sitting by herself, but also for Prince Charles.  Out of all the family, he seems the most they were walking behind the Duke's Landrover hearse, Charles had tears coursing down his face, he looked devastated, in fact he has done every time I've seen coverage of him all last week.  It must be some small consolation for him that his sons were talking together when they came out of the chapel.  I do hope that things can be worked out between Prince Harry and the rest of the family.

We went to a car boot sale yesterday morning, our first one in absolutely fact we only went to one the whole of last year, and left that one very quickly as it was just too crowded.  This one yesterday we thought initially was going to be the same, there were a lot of cars in the car park (it's held in big fields on a farm).  However, once inside the selling field it was absolutely fine - the selling cars were very well spaced apart, there was a one way system in operation for buyers, all sellers had hand gel on their stalls (a requirement), and everyone was being very respectful and (mostly) keeping their distance.  We wore masks, as did a lot of people, I was pleased to see.  We got a few things we'd been looking for.

In the afternoon we had a lovely hour or two sitting in our friends' garden, it was so nice to see them and have a chat.  I'll be so glad when we can hug again though, it's horrible not being able to have a hug.

The big news of the day(!!) is that I'm going to the chiropodist, for the first time since I don't know when.  It'll be wonderful to come out with lovely feet, Grace always makes it feel like I'm walking on air.  And it's a big day for Betty too, she's going to the groomers, also for the first time in months, so she'll also have lovely feet and beautiful soft and gorgeous smelling fur.

Here's Betty having just got home from the groomers.....complete with pink bow (they've never done that before....she doesn't look very impressed 😂).  Along with the usual bath and nail clipping, they also gave her a facial!!  Yes, really, a new service apparently, especially for doggies with wrinkles (perhaps I should go).  For £15, which includes the facial and nail clipping, it's a real bargain.  It's the local agricultural college who do it, they only charge to cover their costs, the students need the practical element and they're well supervised by a lovely trainer who adores Betty.

I won't subject you to a photo of my feet.....but they do feel lovely!


  1. It was a very moving occasion, I thought too. The queen has always stood out from her background but on Saturday she was lost. I know she was in black but it wasn't that, it was her personality, her presence. Something had broken, and it's not surprising. Poor lady.

    On a happier note, have a lovely pamper day today, both you and Betty!

  2. So pleased you went to a car boot or I am still not wanting to go out where there is a lot t if people.
    Yes I thought it was a fetching service and I think the papers stay to much.

    I know my sons service is going to be hard for us all but we all get on well.

    Pleased you are having your feet done I had mine done last week and also she done them in the garden several times I am on the brink of diabetes so my chiropractor is very careful.
    Hazel c uk����

  3. Enjoy that lovely foot pampering. It's not something I've ever thought about as I hate my feet being touched.

  4. A little bit of normality - wonderful! xx

    1. Betty doesn't look impressed, but I bet she secretly enjoyed the fuss made of her! xx

  5. Was Betty's treatment at Cannington college

    1. Yes it was, Marlene, we've been taking her there for about 3 years now.

  6. We didn't actually watch the funeral but we have seen snippets of it on other programs and social media etc. Alan has been in tears every time Prince Philip was mentioned on the news, I think it's due to him being so ill recently but he's getting quite emotional at times, so I thought it best we didn't sit and watch the whole thing.

    Yes, Suky enjoys a 'Blueberry Facial' when she goes to the groomers, it really does help with the deep wrinkles. Like Better she hates any adornment they put on her, even just a dangly flower on her collar. She's not a dog that like clothes etc.

    1. That should of course have been 'Betty' ... but I guess she is 'better' after her pamper session ;-)


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