
Monday 10 May 2021

Good news

 Morning all, thank you for recent comments.  We enjoyed our holiday week, albeit mostly at home, but now it's back to normal life.  First thing this morning we went to the GP for husband's bloods and ECG results.....I went with him as he never remembers a) to tell the doctor everything, and b) what the doctor tells him, so I never get to know anything unless I'm actually there.

The GP (he's a new one, I've seen him once before, he's a really nice man) gave husband a thorough examination.  There's nothing concerning about his bloods, the BNP part of the test (which is specifically for heart failure) came back as relatively normal.  His ECG was fine too.  Doctor checked his abdomen and ankles and listened to his lungs and heart for fluid retention - nothing of concern.  So he's come to the conclusion that husband's recent breathlessness and angina type chest pains are down to the fact that he's put about a stone on and been quite inactive since his foot operation last October.  So the prescription is....get up off his backside and do more/longer walks.  (We both need to do that, actually).  It's a huge relief, for both of us, that husband's heart failure doesn't appear to be worse.

It's all medical things this week.....this afternoon husband has a chiropodist appointment.  Tomorrow morning I have my 2nd jab (hooray!), then Wednesday morning my dentist appointment (boo!).  I've been waiting a long time for that, it was January when I rang the dentist because I had a wobbly tooth that was quite painful, only to be told it wasn't an emergency (they were only seeing emergencies), they'd put me on a waiting list, and to rinse with salt water in the meantime.  Fortunately, the tooth hasn't fallen out and is no longer painful.  The last time I went to the dentist was February of last year, not long before Covid buggered everything up.

Apparently, Boris is going to say (or has already said, I didn't see the news yesterday) that overnight stays with family/friends will be allowed from next Monday - fabulous!!  Husband is already planning to go and stay with his daughter up in the Midlands for a long weekend....I'll be staying here with Betty.  His daughter has a dog, a Staffy called Milo, he's a lovely dog but he and Betty don't see eye to eye, so best not to have the 2 of them under the same roof, don't want to stress either of them out.  Husband's not seen his daughter or grandchildren for around 18 months, so he's really looking forward to it.  I'll enjoy a few days to myself here with Betty (might even let her sleep on my bed, but don't tell husband!!).


  1. Good news for a change Sue.🌈

  2. That's good news, and I'm glad the GP gave your hubby a good going over, at least you know he's had a thorough check! Now the weather is (hopefully) warming up, there'll be no excuse for not going for a walk. I'm so looking forward to the restrictions easing. My daughter, son-in-law and grandson are coming to stay for a few days next week. Grandson will be 1 in June and we've only managed to see him 4 times, very briefly each time. I won't want to let him go! xx

  3. That's great news, any check up receiving a positive outcome is welcome. As much as I love my hubby, I love it when he is away, always me time.

  4. Great news and the prescription for walking will be far better than any medication.

  5. Great news Sooze. It's incredible what the prescription of eating less moving more can achieve.

  6. I'm glad to hear that your hubby has been given a relatively clean bill of health. A good walk is lovely and now that the weather is warming up you can enjoy it without being blown to bits or frozen to the marrow. Hope your jab tomorrow is uneventful.

  7. I love all your good news - walking is great exercise, blows away the cobwebs and delights the eyes as well. Being able to have other over apart from support bubble buddies is brilliant news, I'm so glad.

  8. That is such good news your husbands medical appointment went so well and isn't it wonderful things are relaxing a bit more. I'm sure Betty will get to enjoy sleeping on your bed!

  9. Glad your husband has had good news health wise and that your holiday week was enjoyable. Yes a bit of peace and quiet for you, ha ha and sure your husband will enjoy seeing family again.


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