
Tuesday 4 May 2021


 For various reasons, we've come home early from our holiday today - we were due back this coming Saturday.  It's not been bad, Saturday, Sunday and Monday morning were all mostly sunny and we did get out and about a few times.  It helped a lot being away, in that it consolidated our thoughts about our future plans and we gained some useful information.  And we're not just getting back into our normal routine now we're home, we're treating the rest of the week as if we're still on holiday.  So we're planning a couple of days out - a trip to Wells tomorrow, one of my favourite towns, a Dunster beach long walk with Betty on Thursday, and another trip out somewhere on Friday, yet to be decided.

The forecast storm yesterday afternoon and evening wasn't as bad as expected - quite windy and a few heavyish showers, but nothing drastic.  Looks as though it was worse here at home, several things blown around in the garden, both our polytunnel and next door's have taken a battering, the covers are ripped.  Well, never mind, we'd already decided we're not growing too much in the way of veg this year.

Betty is so pleased to be home, she's been charging round the house, up and down the stairs, in and out of the garden, clearly enjoying the space.  We stayed in a static caravan - very nice, but not very spacious for an energetic (and clumsy!) dog.


  1. I'm pleased you enjoyed the break away, and the fact it's brought about some changes. Thecwindchas been awful here on the Essex coast. I took Bertie for a walk early and got caught in a 2 minute downpour! Soaked and cold I headed home.

  2. Good you had time to get away, clear your heads and make more plans.
    Betty, sounds like she WAS glad to be home.

  3. Glad the little break has helped. It's always nice to get away, but even nicer to get home! I hope the weather is kind so you can enjoy your trips out, too. xx

  4. It always seems a shame to break short a holiday but sometimes needs must, and if you manage to do as you say and still treat the rest of the week as though you are on holiday it's going to be just as good.

    It's nice to be a visitor in your own area sometimes, we used to love a day out in Llandudno doing all the visitor-y type things.


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