
Tuesday 18 May 2021

On tenterhooks

 I'm itching to go and view the 2 caravans the site owner told us about, but we've not heard back from him yet.  It seems to be a case of Somerset time - that's 'sometime when', meaning it'll happen when it happens, equivalent to the Cornish 'dreckly'.  There's clearly no urgency for him, even though it's not very economically sound for him to have 2 empty plots/vans, but as far as I'm concerned, the longer it takes before we take up ownership of a van there, the shorter length of time we will have to do it up to our liking and enjoy it this year (the site closes at the end of October for the winter period).  I don't do patience very well!  Oh well, not much we can do, he knows we're keen to get going.  In the meantime, we're continuing to acquire things we'll need to furnish the new van, I bought a few bits yesterday in a big Dunelm (love that shop, nice stuff and very reasonably priced).  By the time we do finally get to own a van, we'll have practically everything we need, which is good.  I just want it to be soon!

Husband saw his foot consultant yesterday, she says there's nothing more she can do for him and the pain he's still experiencing is simply nerve pain, which she says will settle down with time (it's been almost 7 months already!).  She's discharged him, but said he can contact her again if necessary.  In the meantime, he's going to have physiotherapy, actual face to face and not over the phone!  His first appointment is next week, hopefully that'll help him.

Nice weather at the mo, but there's a thunderstorm forecast for midday, so we won't be doing much outside.  Some nice weather for a sustained period would be good, it's all so unpredictable and changeable right now.  It's mid-summer next month, I wish early summer would actually arrive!  So many of my front garden flowering plants are behind schedule, although my roses are just starting to come into bloom.

Good friends of ours who live in Kent, the other side of the country to us, are coming down on holiday next week, so we're arranging to meet up with them for a day.  We generally see them a couple of times a year, they're a lovely couple and we get on like a house on fire.  Really looking forward to seeing them - and having a hug!  Have you hugged anybody yet?


  1. Ooh lovely, but the sooner you view the sooner you will be able to perhaps have some holidays. October does seem an early close down, my caravan park was always open until the first Saturday in December.

  2. Oh I feel for you, so excited about the caravan yet the owner in no particular hurry to get on with it. Grrrr! So frustrating! Before the first lockdown I had the promise of a campervan - my lifelong dream. I went and viewed it, had a test drive and fell completely in love with it. A deposit was paid and I came home and started to buy everything that I would need, both equipment and furnishings. I was on a huge high! So looking forward to having my very own campervan at last. BUT, due to a huge catastrophe in the family, it all fell through and I had to pull out of the purchase. I was devastated. Then Covid arrived and it made me wonder if it was meant to be, because it would have had to stand on my drive for a whole year anyway. I still have so much 'stuff' in my spare bedroom which was destined for the campervan. I think I need to get busy on eBay.

  3. Our garden is about 3 weeks behind, and our Magnolia tree has its 3rd lot of buds, the weather killed the previous ones.

  4. How frustrating to be kept waiting to look and buy your caravan - hope it's not as long as moving house!!

  5. It's so frustrating for you. I hope the site owner gets a move on. Later this week my daughter, son-in-law and baby (well he's almost 1 now!) grandson are coming to stay for a few days. So there'll be LOADS of hugs then. I've been saving up the hugs and kisses for my grandson as I've only seen him 4 very brief times since he was born. I can't wait! We're fully vaccinated and they've all had Covid, so we should be OK. xx

  6. I hugged my Mum yesterday after not seeing her for 14 months, it was very emotional, I would never have thought an 86 year old lady could squeeze so hard :)

  7. It all sounds very exciting - I hope you hear very soon. xx

  8. I bet you are keeping fingers, toes and everything else crossed.


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