
Thursday 2 February 2023

Lovely readers!

 Sue of A Smaller and Simpler Life made a valid comment on my blog of readers certainly all make me think!  Sue said she would be worried about the effect moving ourselves would have on both husband's and my health.  I have been thinking about this ever since husband came up with the idea of buying a van and moving ourselves.

As I mentioned previously, we've moved house several times and each time I've found the actual moving day horrendously stressful, and the subsequent weeks of unpacking, putting away and shifting everything around just adds to that.  As I've got older, I've found stressful situations really have a major impact on my mental wellbeing, and that's not something I want or need now when I'm having to take on even more responsibilities in our day to day life.

We are fortunate to have a couple of very good male neighbours (all our neighbours are good) who are younger and certainly much fitter than husband and I, and who have already indicated their willingness to help out with loading and unloading our things when the time comes.

The thing I'm really keen on though is the idea that we could move in gradually over a period of a few weeks, taking a couple of bits of furniture, or white goods, or a few boxes at a time.  We would then have plenty of time to put those bits in their proper places and unpack the few boxes, at our leisure.  And that would lessen the stress for me, massively.  Thank you Sue, for your concern.  And thank you to all of you who are always so encouraging and helpful.

Husband asked for a ham, leek and mushroom pie for today, he had some ham left over from the gammon joint he had on Sunday, so I've made a large one for him this morning, it'll make 4 portions so plenty to freeze for his future meals.  I'm having fishcakes.  I'm eating more and more fish these days, I really like fish of all kinds....well, apart from squid, and things like cockles, winkles and mussels!  I had been eating chicken or bacon once a week or so, but am gradually going off those too.  I've made nut roasts for me several times now, but think I've eaten them too often so am having a break.  

I'm having a restful day today.  Tomorrow I'm going to sort out the food cupboards, I've a feeling that there may - well, I'm sure there will, not may - be a lot of packet stuff that's out of date by some considerable time.....dried yeast, e.g., I've not made bread for months so I dare say the yeast is out of date now and thus unlikely to be active.

And, guess what, it's now only 27 days till Caravan Day!  Our lovely van neighbours texted yesterday to say they'll be coming to the Park earlier than last year (they didn't come until late April last season) and are looking forward to seeing us again.  As we are, them.


  1. If need be, you could always move the easy stuff yourselves and then hire a man with a van to move the bulky/heavy stuff. It would be cheaper than a removal firm. But if your younger neighbours are willing and able, that would be even better. Only 27 days! Wow, the time is whizzing by. I'm sure there will be plenty of other readers, like me, who are waiting to hear about your caravan exploits. xx

  2. 27 days till caravan heaven.......better than Christmas

  3. I like the idea of moving in slowly and getting help. Wonderful to think only 27 days until the Caravan! hugs

  4. When we downsized and moved, we hired storage for 2 months, putting all the smaller stuff and boxes into storage made things much easier on moving day, we then went each day and brought a few boxes home to sort each evening, we were both working at the time. Much less stress, no piles of boxes everywhere and time to empty boxes, pack what we kept away and take the rest to charity shop. WOW, not long before you can relax at your van.

  5. It will seem no time at all until caravan day - how lovely!
    Your neighbours sound very good people and should help loads. Good for them. xx

  6. I have moved 31 times from across the street to 500 miles to 1000 miles. For me doing it all at one time is less stressful. Just an idea.

  7. Boy did the time away from the van pass quickly. You will be enjoying your home away from home very soon.

    God bless.


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