
Saturday 4 February 2023

Not yet!

 Thank you for all the input yesterday, it's good to know everybody's thoughts, helps me to crystallise things in my own mind.

I should say that I'm not buying an air fryer right now - my intention yesterday was purely to go and have a look at the dual basket ones, to see how big they are and how much space they'll take up.  We're not intending to sell our present cooker right now either - we'll most likely leave it here if and when we move, asking for a contribution from the landlord for it.  Oh, and any new place won't have any white goods, it's not the policy of our local housing dept to leave any in the properties when the tenants leave (or die!)...I guess they'd have to pay to have them tested for safety and any defects.  Kim, you also mentioned this in comments, thank you.  The housing dept don't supply any either, tenants are expected to provide their own.  I'm assuming that any kitchen will have a space where a full size cooker would go....we'll most likely put in a cupboard base unit of some kind, or perhaps a wooden freestanding small island type thing, with a wooden top, on which to stand the air fryer.  We have a small base unit in the caravan which the mini oven stands on, we bought it from one of the DIY stores, we'll get something similar I expect.  

I want to do more research before I decide definitely to get one, and then google to find where I can get my chosen model (whichever that may be) for the best price.  I also want to go and physically look at more, the electrical store we went to yesterday only had one or two of the dual basket models on display.

I don't use my oven nowadays nearly as much as I used to and, when I do use it, I try to make sure I use all the available space in it, to make the best use of the electricity cost.  E.g., last night we had fish and chips (freezer to oven), but I also did a trayful of roasted root veggies - we like them cold with mayo as a salad lunch with some grated cheese, or frozen to quickly reheat in the microwave.  If I'm putting a dinner in the oven, I frequently bake a tray of jacket spuds, or a cake, some scones or sausage rolls or a quiche at the same time.  But as I said, the oven is so low down and that makes it difficult for me to get stuff in and out of the oven.  I do ask husband sometimes to get things out of the oven for me, but with his balance issues, shaky hands and general clumsiness, it's not ideal.  He fell into the lounge door frame again yesterday, making the door bang against the wall and frightening me half to death again (I was in a different room so just heard the bang).  I think we're going to have to go back to the GP, his balance problems, clumsiness and short-term memory problems aren't getting any better - worse if anything, I'd have thought they should be wearing off by now if they were merely side effects of his new medications.  It is worrying me a bit.


  1. That does sound worrying. I hope the GP can sort him out.
    The dual drawer air fryers are big. We don't have space for one of those so will go for a smaller one. We have a range cooker with 2 ovens. We rarely use the big oven, and even the smaller one is often too big for what I want to cook. I'm not as organised as you, and don't have the freezer space anyway to batch cook. I hadn't realised all the white goods are removed. Makes sense I suppose, although part of me thinks it would possibly be cheaper to PAT or Gas Safe test appliances. Still, I suppose the council think better safe than sorry, which is no bad thing. xx

  2. Air fryers are definitely in vogue right now and I hear lots of good reports - I tend to use the microwave most of the time. We have a Rayburn which acts as a boiler for the central heating so it's on all the time. Hubby is an engineer and is in charge of the various controls - I just open the door and stick something in for a few hours - I often forget and discover the burnt remains a day later! lol!

  3. It sounds as though you are working things out very sensibly. I hope the GP can sort your husbands balance issues out, that's very worrying.

  4. Hi Sooze, I don't know if your husband is on statins but when Tom was on them the consultant said it was wise for him to come off of them as they were making him weak and also his memory was affected. It could be those but then loads of these drugs have unwanted side effects.

  5. Hugs for you and your husband. I think you are so wise to be thinking this all out before moving. I didn't realize the housing would not come with basic appliances like a fridge and stove. I have a stove with the two ovens and I use them a lot but I am feeding my husband and youngest son who both work outside all day seven days a week on the farm.

  6. Those balance problems would be very worrying. I hope the GP can figure out what is happening.

    God bless.


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