
Wednesday 22 February 2023

Pescatarian now

 Cherie, in answer to your question yesterday.....yes I do think the AF is a worthwhile investment.  I've used it pretty much every day in the week and a half that I've had it, and not used my big oven once.  Things cook quicker than they do in the oven, it means I don't feel guilty about having to put the big oven on if I only have one thing to cook, or feel pressured into cooking several other things to fill the oven.  Having 2 drawers means I can cook different things, or just use the one.  Large cakes don't seem to cook very successfully, although cupcakes might - not tried them yet.  I have cooked cakes twice in 1lb size tinfoil loaf tins, even they needed 10 mins more than the cake programme.  I've not mastered the art of green veg in the AF yet, stems (broccoli eg) don't cook before the florets have.  Root veg cubed and tossed with a tiny bit of oil do very well, as long as I keep shaking or stirring them around every few minutes.  Glass dishes, tin bakeware or tinfoil dishes can all be used, provided they fit of course.  Chicken pieces cook very well, the skin crisps up beautifully.  Apparently joints of meat, or a whole (small) chicken can be cooked in it, although the AF group I belong to on FB advise getting a meat thermometer to ensure the meat is cooked through thoroughly.  I've not yet tried cooking a joint, as it's only husband who will eat it.  I'm sure others will comment on how they use theirs.  Chips, hash browns, jacket potatoes (precooked in the microwave) all come out nice and crispy.  I wouldn't be without mine now, and as I said, I'll be getting a smaller one for the caravan.

I went through all my clothes yesterday afternoon, with the intention of throwing some out - however, I did that only a few weeks ago and found nothing this time around that I don't want to keep.  I know for a fact that husband will have loads, his wardrobe and chest of drawers are stuffed full of things he never wears.  He didn't feel like doing it yesterday though, and probably won't unless I'm in the room with him, prodding him.

This morning we've got a little bit of shopping to do in Sainsburys, and a few things to get from Home Bargains for the caravan, along with a new dog bed - we threw out Betty's old one from the caravan when we left last October.  The forecasters are still going on about the possibility of much colder weather coming up, so it's doubtful we'll be staying overnight at the van anytime soon.  We'll still be going for day trips though.

After cooking the big panful of turkey mince yesterday, I really didn't fancy eating it, so husband had his portion and I had tuna and cheese with my jacket spud.  Another 6 portions put in the freezer for husband.  Right now, I think I'm done eating meat, it'll be fish only for me from now on.  I won't say I'll never eat meat again, it's possible I might have a sausage or two occasionally, or maybe a corned beef sandwich (I've gone off bacon).  Roast meat or stews just don't appeal to me anymore.  Funny how tastes change as we get older.


  1. Your comment about turkey mince reminded me of when we went veggie. I arrived home from work and Chris was cooking some beef mince to make spag bol. There was so much fat coming off it, he had to soak it off with kitchen roll. I just had the spaghetti that night! We decided there and then to stop eating meat and fish, and never looked back.
    As for the AF, I'm still getting to grips with mine. Not yet got the hang of roasting veg in it (although onions do come out nice and crispy), but I'll keep trying. There are lots of ideas online, so I'll keep trawling 'tinterweb! xx

    1. I stopped eating beef mince some time ago, as it always gave me indigestion for some reason. Turkey mince didn't, but I just can't face the thought of eating even that now! I love fish and can't imagine ever giving that up....but who knows?! xx

    2. Exactly! My husband grew up in Grimsby, where fish was always on the menu, but he didn't hesitate to give it up. We all have to make our own choices. I must say, since we started a strict diet a couple of weeks ago, I feel so much better for not eating carbs. I'd kill for a jacket spud or a chip butty, though! xx

  2. I happily have meat free meals and love fish rather than meat, but gone off bacon, never, I do love bacon.

    1. Oddly enough, Marlene, I love the smell of bacon but don't like the taste/texture anymore.

  3. I dearly love my AF and use her every single day for something or other usually several times. xx

    1. I just couldn't imagine being without mine now, even in such a short space of time.

  4. I love my veg in the AF but put it in in two lots eg. broccoli cut into stems and florets or carrots and courgettes then onions and I find they are all ready at the same time.

  5. Won't be long, and you will be at your summer home. I am so happy for you. It will be a great getaway again. Is this the second summer or the third? Enjoy your blog so much. Glad you are enjoying your new cooking tool. I, as I have said many times, have been a vegetarian since 1992...a year that was awful in my life...however, I must admit I have never ever missed eating animals. I have a ton of foods that I fix without them...does not mean others should do the same, but I am happy with my choice. Keep writing...keep encouragine others...

    1. This will be our 3rd summer Brenda, although the first summer was mainly taken up with all the work we did in the van. Thank you for always being so supportive.

    2. It’s is obvious these arthritic hands are doing horrible job getting my blogs correct. Lol…my grands and students would laugh that Nana misspelled a word above…sorry…and with age comes….

  6. I don't think we will ever go completely meatless, we do enjoy a fish and a meatless meal once or twice a week though. I do know we have cut down on our portions of meat.

    Hopefully your weather allows you to spend one or two nights in the caravan very soon.

    God bless.


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