
Tuesday 10 May 2022

A blessing

 We're home again for a few days, journey this morning took us twice as long as normal due to traffic jams everywhere.

It's been so nice at the caravan, hardly anyone there, just 4 or 5 others, and none of those around us so very peaceful.  Spending time at the van is healing me, I'm not fixed yet but better than I was.  There are some issues that are still unresolved and which are really upsetting me and holding me back....I was hoping it could be cleared up, but no such luck.  I realise this won't make much sense to most people reading this, sorry but it's one of those things that I won't be giving details of on here....although my blog is often warts and all, there are some things that I don't share with the whole world.

We had such lovely weather at the van, lots of time spent outside doing a few jobs in the garden, sowing some seeds (salad leaves and radishes) and potting on a couple of tomato plants, tying in new shoots on the clematis and climbing rose which both seem to almost be growing inches before our very eyes.  Did some weeding, dead heading (all the Spring bulbs have now finished flowering) and tidying up pots.  Planning what to put in next - I want the caravan garden filled with colour for this Jubilee year (our Queen's Platinum Jubilee, for overseas readers), so I shall be putting in lots of colourful bedding plants this coming weekend.  There's a plant sale in aid of RNLI (Lifeboats) in the village just down the road from the van park this coming Saturday (we'll be back at the caravan then), so I'll be picking up a few packs of plants.  The weather is forecast to be even warmer from next weekend, the van is quite sheltered where it's situated so it should be fine to put the plants in.

We've come home as we now have several appointments we need to be home for over the next few days.  Someone is coming to measure up for the new windows and he needs to do it inside as well as outside, the mechanic is coming to do another thing to the car, and husband has a GP appointment.  Oh, and the scaffolding is now being put up tomorrow for the new roof to be done, so all my pots have to be moved away from the house.  We'll be going back to the van on Friday though - unless something else comes up....I hope it doesn't as I'm already feeling stressed again with all that's being done this week.

Having the van is truly one of the best things ever - the peacefulness, lovely new friends and beautiful surroundings help to soothe my soul.  The fact that it's not far away from home means that we can just come and go between home and the van at the drop of a hat.  Yet despite being just 35-40 mins away, it feels like we're on holiday in our very own holiday home.  There are few responsibilities at the van, very minimal 'housework' and cooking, I can, and often do, switch off my phone and laptop so 'real (and often problematical) life' doesn't force its way into my consciousness like it does at home.  We're so very fortunate to have the van, I don't know what I'd do without it, it really is a blessing.

Thank you all so much for your lovely caring comments, I really appreciate them.


  1. That van sounds wonderful Sooze and I can feel just how relaxed you sound when you have had a nice time there.

  2. You really have a gem with your caravan and it's location. I how your stressers start being resolved. Best wishes.

  3. Glad you had a great time.

  4. I'm glad the caravan has begun to work its magic again. What an absolute blessing it is for you both. Pottering in the garden, relaxing and shutting out the world - BLISS! xx

  5. I am so glad you have had a good few days. Don't worry about the roof - when we had ours done there was remarkably little disruption.

    Sorry I have been AWOL, sorting out a few things here (a bit like you - a car problem, physio, bla bla bla) but hopefully things are settled down now. Took myself off for a little fell walk this afternoon which was lovely, if a tad breezy, the anenometer measured gusts of more than 32mph 🙂

  6. I am glad that your time at the caravan was peaceful and helping you to heal.

    God bless.

  7. glad you are going back to the van.I hope it helps to destress you and help you feel calm.Thinking of you.x

  8. I see magic in a comment above.....I do believe you have a little magic come your way at the glad for you.


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