
Sunday 15 May 2022

Going with the flow

 Having had several bad nights in a row last week, last night I slept really well.  It rained heavily a few times during the night, waking me up (rain is very noisy in a caravan), but I went back to sleep quickly each time, consequently I feel refreshed and calm this morning.  Cloudy but with blue sky showing in patches, we're forecast possibly a few light showers with a bit of sunshine today.  We'll go to the garden centre in a nearby village this morning, they grow all their own plants, are reasonably priced, and there definitely won't be a massive scrum of people there like yesterday at the plant sale.  Hopefully I'll be able to get the plants in this afternoon.  Other than that, we have no firm plans for the next few days, we'll just go with the flow - and the weather!

I've been terrible at replying to comments recently, and commenting on your blogs, sorry about that.  Jessica, yes good idea to 'half diet' - when I'm very depressed or stressed, healthy eating is the last thing on my mind.  However, I am trying to eat more healthily (less carbs and more veg) on days where I'm feeling better....well, less stressed or depressed.  HH, yes I should think the lily, whilst being killed off for this year, will come back next year.  Thank you all so much for all your comments, emails and continuing support, I appreciate it very much indeed.


  1. The caravan does seem to be your happy place. It certainly seems to de-stress you. Going with the flow is a great idea. A bit of crafting/reading/dozing if the weather is inclement, and pottering in the garden if it's fine. Sheer bliss! xx

  2. Woohoo....happy days at the vacation.


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