
Wednesday 3 August 2022

Change of plans, and blimmin courgettes!

 We've decided not to go to the caravan today - rain showers all morning so as we were going for the purpose of gardening, there's not much point.  At least the pots won't be drying out!  Can't go tomorrow, as Betty has a grooming appointment right in the middle of the day.  Friday looks good though, no showers forecast (at the moment!).  That's one of the joys of being retired.....our plans aren't set in stone, other than medical appointments (and even they change/get cancelled at the last minute), so we can please ourselves what we do and when.  The rain is due to stop this afternoon, so hopefully we can do some tidying up and pruning in the front garden, so at least the day won't be wasted.

Regarding my back & hip problems when standing for ages in the kitchen doing food prep....some of you suggested a stool.  Good idea, a foldable bar stool would be great, I'll order one, thanks very much.

I'm going to make a big pan of minced beef, onions and tomatoes tomorrow, to be portioned up and used for lasagne, cottage pie, spag bol, jacket potato topping.  I also need to do something with the courgette mountain, even if it's just slicing, frying lightly and freezing.  They're mushy when defrosted, but they're fine for adding to mince, stews etc or making soup with.  I'll grate 1 or 2 of the bigger ones into the pan of mince.  I did make a chocolate courgette cake one year, but it wasn't really a hit.  Any other ideas for courgettes, preferably using more than one!, I'd be grateful for.....we're getting a bit fed up with fried or roasted courgettes as a side veg.  Even husband, who loves all veggies, said the other day "Do we HAVE to have courgettes with every meal?" (a slight exaggeration, it's not EVERY meal, we don't have them for breakfast!).  My reply was "Do you HAVE to grow so many of them?!".  I did see a recipe online somewhere for lightly frying grated courgettes with finely sliced onions and bacon bits and stirring through spaghetti, topped with parmesan - that sounds good, would make a nice quick lunch.


  1. I make a courgette bake which freezes well - I don't add the cheese topping if freezing -just add it before cooking.

    Ingredients :Courgettes, Peppers (sliced),Tinned cherry toms - I prefer these but any will do, Onions, Garlic (from a jar) ,Aldi stir in pasta sauce - I like tom & basil , Paprika to taste, EVOO (Extra Virgin olive oil) Cheese for topping.
    1.Fry courgettes, onions, garlic , peppers in evoo until soft.
    2.Add stir in sauce ,toms and paprika cook 5 mins.
    3.Place in baking dish- I use a pyrex and add cheese topping
    5.Cook in oven 180/200c till cheese browned and mix bubbling - say 20/30 mins

  2. Do your charity shops take donations to be put on the counter just for people to take - free

  3. That recipe sounds good, Gill. Might have to give it a go, with vegan cheese topping. Sooze, if you google courgette recipes, there might be some that tickle your taste buds. Hope the bar stool helps. I always stand to iron, but remember trying sitting to do it (in the days when I did lots of ironing! Don't bother much nowadays.🤣) It took a bit of getting used to, but certainly helped my back and legs. xx

  4. Anne at Cooking and all that Jazz posted this recipe yesterday. I'm going to try it.

  5. Had to smile at the courgette dilemma. I once added some to apples and made a crumble. Alexander spotted them straight away but ate it anyway. They are productive little blighters. I dried loads last year and added them to stews through the winter.

  6. I must be the only person on earth who has no.luck with courgettes (or zucchini as we call them). Lucikily there are a lot of market gardens around here growing them!

  7. I sometimes make a pork, grated zucchini bake. I found the recipe online. It uses already cooked pork, but I am sure you could sub chicken or even ground beef.

    God bless.


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