
Wednesday 24 August 2022

Bargain plants for the garden

 Still muggy today, but not nearly as bad as yesterday, there have been a few showers and no sign of sun or blue sky today.  By lunchtime I was beginning to feel a bit cooped up and in need of some fresh air away from the park....much as I love it, I don't really want to be here inside the caravan 24/7, whereas husband would quite happily doze in front of the TV all day every day, unless it's hot and sunny, when he'd be flat out dozing in the garden recliner chair!  I know a lot of his sleepiness is to do with some of his heart meds, but he'd sleep his life away if I let him.

So I suggested going out for a drive, which he did grumble about a bit but agreed to.  We went first to a garden centre near Cheddar, at this time of year they have a big plant sale on, lots of plants at greatly reduced prices.  I got 6 plants for the (home) back garden beds, at full price they would have cost £65, in the sale I paid just £18 for all 6.  Two are tall flowering shrubs - a choisya (we have one already in the front garden, albeit a different variety) and one I've never heard of, Pavonia Praemorsa, an evergreen which has yellow hibiscus-type flowers.  There are two small to medium size grasses, and a couple of Ajugas - edging plants which have purplish foliage and blue flowers.  So that's a good start for the new flower beds.

We then went for a drive, basically doing a big circle, driving through some pretty villages and countryside.  Betty was sitting up in the back, taking in all the scenery too.  It was a nice couple of hours.

We're having a day out tomorrow, a beach day probably as the weather is forecast to be good.  Probably at Portishead, we've been there before, sea and promenade one side of the road, boating lake the other, wooded areas to walk the dog, open air pool (not that we'll be using it).  And it's free parking, which is a bit of a rarity for beach areas round here, being a tourist area.  

More van owners have arrived today, so the park is quite busy now - well, half full.  Getting ready for bank holiday weekend, no doubt.


  1. I wish I lived closer to you. I could dig up some of my plants to give you. Many have outgrown their spaces and need moving/thinning out. There are bargains to be had. You just need to be in the right place, at the right time. Looks like you were! Free parking - WOW! I live in a seaside town, and as we know the town, we know where there's free parking for 3 hours, but the tourists don't and so get charged. Way to go, Sefton Council. That's the way to encourage visitors! xx

  2. Great deal on those plants. A drive is a lovely way to spend a bit of time out and see new vistas.

    God bless.

  3. Lovely plants - I'm sure you will get great pleasure from them. Super prices too. xx

  4. The downside to not being able to drive is that you have to 'suggest' a drive and hope that the driver is in the mood. I don't know how I would have managed most of my life without being able to drive. I didn't learns until I was 30 but it was the best thing I ever did.

    The plants sound like a real bargain, luckily you are wanting to refill the beds at home at just the right time of year for bargains, you should be able to replicate this at other garden centres where they are usually desperate to sell off their perennials.


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