
Monday 5 September 2022

Controversy alert

 I'm aware that this may be controversial, but this is my blog and I'll say what I want.  Yesterday a local news item popped up on my FB feed, and again this morning.  It seems 'activists' (rent-a-mob more like) from a certain militant vegan group - I'm not naming them, I'm not giving them the publicity - have entered the grounds of a local big dairy distribution plant (incidentally, where husband worked as a lorry driver for several years before retiring) and climbed up on top of lorries and milk silos, to try and shut the dairy down.  Apparently, one of their demands is that the Government takes immediate action to move away from animal farming and fishing, to urgently make everyone have a plant-based diet.  WHAT A DAMN BLEEDING CHEEK!!  I can't believe the absolute bloody arrogance of them - I wouldn't dream of telling a vegetarian or vegan what they can or cannot eat, how very dare they presume to tell THE ENTIRE POPULATION what we can or can't eat!!  I know meat farming practices aren't exactly ideal (we live in a farming area!) and can be downright unsavoury, but the farmers around here take very good care of their animals and make sure they have good lives prior to being killed for meat.  I also know cows milk isn't ideal for humans (as I know from my own experience!), but it's been a food staple for centuries.  The sheer bloody nerve of these people (who are a minority, albeit a growing one) has really pissed me off.  And yes I know I've used lots of bad language this morning and that will upset some of my readers (you should have heard me when I was actually reading the news report!) but that's the strength of my feelings.  

And now to get back to normal!  And even slightly related....Sue, you asked whether cheese affects my sinuses - yes sometimes, although not as much as milk.  Years ago I was referred to a dietitian for my gut, sinus and mouth problems (I have a burning tingling sensation in my lips and mouth when eating certain things).  I was diagnosed with lactose intolerance, wheat intolerance (not coeliac, merely an intolerance) and a mild oral allergy to citrus fruits and tomatoes, amongst other things.  The dietitian said that whilst dairy cheese, yogurt and butter also contain lactose, they are frequently better tolerated than milk - I can't remember the reason why.  I'm thankful about that, as cheese - pretty much all cheese - is one of my absolute favourite foods.  I do get a clogged up feeling in my nose and throat if I've eaten quite a lot of cheese, but not the totally blocked mucus filled (sorry!) problems I get with drinking ordinary milk.  Seems you experience similar, Jayne.

HH, I've tried bought oat milk.....quite a long time ago, can't really remember what it was like.  I've never tried to make it though, but I will - after all, it's easy and cheap!  And if I don't like the taste of it in coffee, then I could always use it in something else.  Thanks for that.

I've been feeling under the weather for some time now, last night in particular I felt really rubbish throughout the night, as if I was coming down with something.  So I did a Covid test this morning (we still have a few boxes of them) - fortunately it was negative.  I think it's more to do with the strains and stresses I'm experiencing right now, rather than anything physical.  My guts are beginning to settle down with the clean healthy diet I'm having, so that's one good thing.


  1. We are neither vegetarian nor vegan but have to admit that dairy farming and its methods are very cruel, particularly re.male calves. Husband was born & bred on a dairy farm and not a lot changes.

  2. I'm vegan as is my husband and I would never dream of telling anyone else what to eat you do yours and I'll do mine. I will say we do get lectures sometimes from people who don't approve of our diet we just smile and move on. Fanatics of any kind are unappetising.

  3. Hi Sue. I make home made dog food sometimes for our two. I use cheap frozen mixed veg. None of the ones I see have onion in them so ok for canines.

  4. Unfortunately, the activists get other vegans a bad name as we are all tarred with the extremist brush. The dairy and egg industries are two of the cruellest industries in the food chains ... a life of cruelty and then death far too soon ... but doing this sort of stunt does little to help any cause and indeed actually harms it.

    Far better is education and encouragement, which was what I needed many years ago and struggled to get, hence me remaining vegetarian for far too long.

  5. I became a vegetarian in 1992 for health reasons…I do not eat animals…now I could not go back…I do not even carry leather items…however, I cook for family occasionally and fix them salmon or turkey etc…I am not even sure a total vegetarian diet is safe for children…I would never ever ask anyone else to be a vegetarian. Sad…awful…

  6. As a long time vegetarian, and now vegan, I also hate the so-called activists. How dare they try to prevent anyone else from eating what they want. When my children were little, I explained why we were vegetarian but said that if they were at a friend's house and they wanted to eat meat, that was fine. I just wouldn't be cooking it at home. Educate people and then let them decide what's right for them. Coercion never works. Glad the C-test was negative. xx

  7. Have you tried heavy whipping cream in your coffee? Since it's full fat and no carbs it may do the job better than milk or oat milk.

  8. Many years ago I lived on a small mixed dairy/arable farm, and the livestock there were certainly well looked after. We had milk straight from the cows twice a day, and I have never tasted any as good since. We also had chickens culled after their laying life (in outdoor free-range runs) was over. Like you, I find these eco-terrorists make my blood boil with their holier-than-thou attitude, demanding that everyone else bow down in obedience to their demands. I am not sure how best to counter these individuals, our police seem at times to be in collusion with the terrorists and not on the side of all of us just trying to get on with our lives.

  9. Like you I would never presume to tell someone else what they could eat or drink. What a nerve of them. I am trying to add some vegetarian meals to our menus, but milk will always be a part of our meal (I need it for the calcium).

    God bless.

  10. Was that the creamery at Cannington, it employs loads of local around the village. We have meat free days every week, people should have their own choice. I truly believe rather than trying to stop people eating meat, many won't change, they should be pushing for everyone to have meat and fish free days. If everyone went vegetarian one day a week, that's 1/7th of production, a huge drop with little effort. We all know meat product is a poor use of our earths resources.

  11. Thankfully, those very extreme views are only held by a small minority who know how to shout very loud. I guess you get them in every walk of life, I really dislike any bullies, and I am thankful; that, for example, all the vegetarians and vegans I know are happy for people to do their own thing, live and let live, etc.


Thank you for comments, however please note that rude ones won't be published. Nor will anonymous ones now.