
Saturday 29 June 2024

Jobs for today

 The big job today is defrosting the tall upright freezer, luckily there's not a great deal in it (doing the month's big shop on Wednesday).  We emptied it out into our big cool box, then dragged the freezer outside, which was fairly easy.  It seems to get iced up (it's not a frost-free one, obviously) fairly quickly now, especially the top half of the freezer, for some reason, the bottom half stays fairly clear.  I suspect it won't last much longer - once the new kitchen is fitted (kitchen surveyor coming on Friday, yay) I think we'll probably get rid of the freezer and the under-counter fridge and buy a 50-50 big upright fridge freezer, with the fridge on the top.  That'll save me bending down to get stuff out of the fridge several times a day, and will free up more space in the kitchen by having one less appliance.  If the freezer still works by then, we might keep it and put it in the car port (it is one that's ok for use in outbuildings), it'll be useful to store garden produce and supplies of bread and milk.  The fridge is one we were given so owes us nothing, we'll probably see if a charity wants it.

I should make a cake, there's a couple of bananas need using up quickly.  I might also make a rice pudding, a litre carton of soya milk is languishing in the fridge - husband won't touch it, I don't mind it but this one was a cheap long life one which doesn't taste very nice, I've only used it for 2 coffees so it's almost a full carton.  With a bit of brown sugar, some raisins and cinnamon added, the taste will be disguised.

Husband suggested we go to the caravan tomorrow, just for the day (it can only be for the day anyway, he's got a chest x-ray on Monday, here at our local community hospital, and we have various other appointments throughout the week).  He wants to take the Freesat box, that he should have taken the last time but forgot, to see if it works ok on the non-working TV....which he thinks is an aerial problem, not the TV itself.  Then when we come home, he can switch off the water and gas, which he also forgot to do last time, we don't know as yet when we can go again, so don't like to leave the services switched on if we're not going to be there for a while.  I'll remind him this time - the post-it note clearly wasn't enough to jog his memory.


  1. It'll be so nice for you to be able to arrange your kitchen the way that works for you. I hadn't thought about having to bend down to use under-counter fridges, but as we get older, we have to consider these things. Not as supple as we once were! I hope the weather is good for your caravan trip. Pouring down here, today, and none too warm either. I hope that isn't summer finished! xx

  2. You're probably right that your big freezer is on its way out, we had the same thing years ago where the freezer kept getting iced up and then conked! One thing you might want to keep an eye on is that they tend to use a lot more electricity when they get like that, so they can become quite expensive to run. It might not be worth hanging on to it as an overflow freezer if its going to be spendy to run.

  3. Looking for a new fridge freezer for the garage is on my list of things to do. I just have an under counter fridge in the kitchen, and in hindsight made a mistake opting for that when I had my new kitchen fitted. I opted for a higher oven so I didn't have to bend to that, but I no longer cook!

  4. It will be nice that you will get your kitchen redone and be minus one appliance to give you more room. I love my fridge with the freezer on the bottom.

    God bless.


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