
Friday 28 June 2024

My next project is....Me!

 The garden is mostly completed now - well, this year's plans anyway - it's more or less just maintenance for the rest of this year.  There's nothing more I want to do in the house either right now - we still need bedroom carpets and vertical blinds for the kitchen and lounge, but they'll have to wait until I've saved up enough.  We have rugs in the bedrooms and nets up at the windows, I don't like them but they serve a purpose for the time being.

So now I want to concentrate on eating more healthily still - I do already have a mostly healthy diet, but could do better.  And I want to lose some more weight, I've dropped about 7 or 8 lbs since moving here.  I made a gorgeous dinner a couple of nights ago - a veggie crumble, it was delicious.....well, I thought so, husband wasn't so keen.  I know he'll never be vegetarian, or even pescatarian although he does like fish - he much prefers meat though.  He would be happy to eat burgers, or pork chops, or sausages with chips and beans, or a full cooked all-day breakfast, every day.  He claims to want to lose weight and eat more healthily - but just eats handfuls of nuts in between meals and thinks that's being healthy - he does have a big appetite.  The veggie crumble was butternut squash, mushrooms and home grown courgettes roasted with paprika and sage from the garden, cheese sauce stirred through and topped with sourdough breadcrumbs and oats mixed with garden grown sage, chives, parsley and some grated Parmesan, baked in the oven.  Delicious, and I want to eat more meals like that, husband doesn't.  I'd like more fish too, and more vegetable meals, with cheese, eggs, nuts & seeds and pulses for protein.  I'm happy to experiment and do more cooking from scratch, I have the time now.  And I just don't want to eat processed foods anymore.  I'll continue doing the usual meat, potato and veg meals that husband likes.

I did ham and egg salad - cheese in place of the ham for me - at lunchtime yesterday, it's nice to now be having produce from the garden.....lovely raw crunchy baby carrots with the salad.  They're so 'carroty' in comparison with supermarket ones, makes you realise that supermarket produce has next to no flavour, aroma or texture.  We'll be eating lots of lovely home grown veggies from now on, makes it easier to eat healthily.

We've got 5 appointments between us next week, then I think just 1 the week after (so far!), so we might be able to go to the caravan again in a couple of weeks and hopefully even stay a bit longer. 

I sat in my lovely cool and quiet bedroom yesterday and did some banking and the budget for July, it's all looking good, it's been a bit heavy-going financially lately but is set to improve from next month, so I can start building up the savings again.   


  1. Almost two years ago now, my husband announced that he would no longer eat the sh1te I cooked. He hates vegetables and lives mainly on junk food. I cook and eat separately now, I get a fruit and veg box delivered every week that I share with my neighbour. He can't understand why he keeps putting on weight!

    1. I'd wring his neck. Tony eats whatever I cook but if he ever complained it would be the last meal I ever cooked for him.

  2. Good for you, Sooze! You can't make someone else eat what they don't want to, and you should eat what makes you feel good. He can make his own choices! Your veggie crumble sounds delicious, as do your home-grown veggies. Making my mouth water! xx

  3. That veggie crumble sounds delicious, good for you deciding to do what's best for you!

  4. Your food sounds so delicious and how nice to be harvesting your garden veg. So delicious. xx

  5. I think that veggie crumble sounds awesome. My Hubby is a farm boy and so is used to meat and potatoes every day growing up... He is slowly getting used to a few more meatless meals each monyh.

    God bless.


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