
Saturday 15 February 2020

Sod them!

Do you know what, I think I'm going to stop doing nice things for others, because where does it get me?  Bloody nowhere.  I don't do it for reward or praise, I do it because I want to.  But when I don't even get a thank you in return, and just feel I'm being ignored and taken advantage of, what's the point?

I've been up to my eyeballs in stressful stuff this past couple of weeks, more of it this weekend and Monday, and boy is it telling on my health right now....terrible night, can't sleep for tossing and turning with things churning over in my brain.  Really painful tension headache and neck and shoulder muscles that are so rigid and stiff they're like planks.  And my guts are giving me hell.  

For 2 pins I'd say stuff the bloody lot of them and go and live on that desert island. 

And as for Valentine's Day - that can bugger off as well.


  1. I guess the point is you are a lovely person and it would be against your nature. It can be upsetting though, can't it?
    SO sorry you are feeling so rotten. ((((hugs))))

  2. Oh, Sooze, so sorry things are getting you down. If you can, walk to the beach and scream and shout out loud! The trouble is, if you're the sort of person who worries about things (especially things you can't control), it all gets to you. Take some time for you, do what makes you happy, and yes, sod 'em all. Hopefully, things will look better tomorrow. Wish I could take you for a coffee and chat, and give you a hug. xx

    1. I will echo this. There are times when you have to detach yourself from a situation, physically and mentally. Sometimes solutions are best seen from a distance. I remember getting a big lorry stuck in a yard, could not work out how to manoeuvre it to get it out. I thought about ringing the office to ask for help. That was a daft idea, what could they do 100 miles away. So I walked away from it, took a few deep breaths, cleared my head, and it worked. In a calm manner I managed to do ten thousand shunts and eventually I was on my way. Take time out for yourself.

    2. I don't think shunting a lorry back and forth quite compares to Soozes stressful situation right now.

  3. Oh Sooze I am so sorry that you are so down and that it is affecting your health. Hopefully you will get to the I did....where you can actually say 'sod 'em all'. The relief is immense let me tell you. It is hard but you just get to a point where you are sick of crap ans something has to be done to save your sanity.
    Big Hugs-x-

  4. When I was going through a very bad time that I couldn't see the end of used to kneel down at the toilet bowl and say everything I was thinking with lots of swearing and then flush it. I'm not saying it will work for you but it made it easier for me to go back downstairs and keep going. Jessica

    1. I've done this too! A distraction that works temporarily.

  5. I have written down all my complaints about what was going on, leaving no one out whoever they may be and now matter how little the thing was that made me miserable.
    Read it again then tear in the tiniest of pieces burn it or flush it your choice. ;)
    Shut the door , turn off the phones, concentrate on making ME feel good. Nice meals , warm house,doing whatever makes you happy and if it is nothing at all I do that. Read,take a nap or sleep the whole day. Stay in my 'jammies.
    Take care of you is what I am saying . For now ,at least,be selfish. If you aren't feeling good it doesn't help anyone, especially you. Be good to you. Hugs hugs and more hugs. We care out here.:)

  6. In other words, make your own desert island where you are. :)

  7. You have had and are having a difficult time. Been there. Thinking of you

  8. I totally don't know what sod them means

  9. Sometimes you have to sod ‘em, Sooze, for your own wellbeing xx

  10. As a new reader I don't know what your stressful situation is, not had time yet to read back, but I can sympathise with you. I've been at the end of my tether recently due to family commitments, trying very hard to keep it all together. When we're the ones that do it all with no thanks it's hard. I do hope things resolve for you soon. You have some supportive readers who comment here although not all will have had the same experience. Hold tight.


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